Photo by Sandy Hook

Industry Experts Say Cannabis Consumption Lounges Will Be The New Alcoholic Bars

Have you ever wanted to smoke up in a lounge with like-minded cannabis lovers? That dream isn't so far away after all.

Most of us have been to a consumption lounge before; you walk in, and you’re instantly hit with a wall of smoke that’s bound to make your mouth water. For those who haven’t experienced this thrilling sensation, you won’t be able to say that much longer, as consumption lounges are popping up left and right. 

Of course, this varies from state to state, especially those with legal recreational cannabis. But take Amsterdam, for example, a true role model for consumption sites. Did you know that cannabis isn’t legal in the Netherlands? It’s just decriminalized. And yet, the renowned cannabis cafes and coffee shops that act as consumption lounges are still operating by obtaining cannabis via unlicensed marijuana cultivation facilities. 

This idea makes it difficult for the United States to adopt nationwide consumption lounges as the plant is still federally illegal and not even decriminalized. However, suppose you live in a state where recreational cannabis possession is permitted. In that case, you’re one of the lucky ones, as countless industry experts explain that consumption lounges are about to be the industry’s core. 

Photo by Wonho Frank Lee

Similar to how bars and clubs sell alcohol for consumption in their respective industry, cannabis consumption lounges will soon be as normalized as alcoholic bars. The first state to permit consumption lounges was Alaska in 2019, and the two most recent were Colorado and Nevada.

The former has plans to construct an on-site consumption lounge in the historic and haunted Patterson Inn, and the latter hopes to have consumptions sites rolling out this year. These state initiatives that drive towards an even more welcoming industry are the perfect role model for other states considering the idea.  

Photo courtesy of The Original Cannabis Cafe

Finally, the National Cannabis Industry Association released some advice for those who want to open a consumption lounge in the near future. The most important takeaway was to make sure your business abides by state laws and regulations, which are constantly evolving.

Besides regulations, the association pointed out that having the right insurance in the event of an accident is essential. Some insurance companies have rules that don’t cover cannabis consumption lounges, so you would not be covered if any kind of accident were to occur, like a fire or robbery. 

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