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10 Relatable Feelings You Get When You’re Judged For Being High

While each of us responds our own way, here are ten feelings you’ve probably experienced when you’ve been judged by non-smokers.

In a world where weed is becoming more mainstream, you would think people would back off potheads a bit. But that’s just not the case. There are still people out there that think getting high off a little pot is a big no-no. And they aren’t afraid to let you know how they feel. Sure, people may not flat out say what’s on their mind. But their expression says it all. While each of us responds our own way, here are ten ways you’ve probably felt while being judged by non-smokers.

1. Weirded out

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Weed is now legal for medical purposes in over half the US. Not to mention, absolutely no one has ever died from pot. So, why are people so concerned? Who knows, but it sure is odd.

2. Petty

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If they want a show, then you’ll give them a show. Then, maybe next time Mr or Mrs. Nosey Pants won’t stare so hard while you’re trying to get your daily dose of THC.

3. Disappointed

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Unlike alcohol, weed won’t damage your health. In fact, cannabis can help with a variety of things, like chronic pain and depression. But people still have the nerve to judge? How disappointing.

4. Sorry

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Not sorry because you enjoy getting high. But because people still think it’s a problem. You can’t help but feel sorry for the misinformed.

5. You feel nothing

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People who judge weed-smokers don’t even deserve a reaction from you. For this reason, you just keep doing what you do. You don’t care what anyone else thinks.

6. Annoyed

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Bar-goers can sip on their cocktails, and everything is fine and dandy. But when it comes time for a guy or gal to light up a joint, everyone wants to speak up. What gives?

7. Generous

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Have you ever met that one person that is so bothered by weed that you practically want to shove it in their mouth so they can chill out? Yeah, you’re not alone. Anyone who has enough time on their hands to judge needs a little pot in their life.

8. Intelligent

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It’s amazing how much you can learn when you do your research. If judgy non-smokers would give it a try, they could find out all of the magnificent things cannabis is capable of doing within five minutes. The evidence is there – you just need a brain to process it all.

9. Peaceful

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The great thing about pot-smokers is that they remain calm, cool, and collected for most of their days. Despite the stigma surrounding the plant, they believe that someday everyone will see the herb for what it really is and not what society has made it out to be.

10. Like this

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Let’s be real for a minute. If pot-smokers cared about what people think about their love for weed, they probably wouldn’t smoke it. Or vaporize it, or rub it on their skin. Because at the end of the day, it’s not all about getting high.

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