
26 Things That Definitely Happen When You’re Too High

From wasting hours on YouTube to engaging in deep conversation, here are 26 things that probably happened when you get too stoned.

Covering up your high is a piece of cake. But when you’re a little too high, that’s a different story. It’s not hard to tell when someone is super stoned. Smoking too much weed or dabbing into too many edibles can either result in the best high of your life or the worst. From wasting hours on YouTube to engaging in deep conversation, here are 27 things that probably happened when you were too stoned.

1. You eat way too much

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2. Junk food ruins your diet

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Of course, junk food is life. And when it comes time to decide between a pizza and a salad, pizza wins every time.

3. You plan to be productive

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Before the high really started to kick in, you made all sorts of plans.

4. But bed is way too tempting

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After realizing how high you were, you decided do lay down just for five minutes. But five minutes ended up turning into five hours. Oops.

5. You binge watch every single stoner movie on Netflix without moving a muscle

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Sure, you made an effort to go from the bed to the couch. But other than that, you didn’t move much. You were stuck, and nothing was going to change that.

6. When you do finally decide to get up, it’s only for weed and snacks

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You moved your entire life to the couch. This way, you could stay there as long as you wanted.

7. You’re calm, relaxed, and carefree

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It didn’t matter how much you had to do, or if you had anything to do at all. Everything going on around you was irrelevant.

8. But you do care about what to eat next

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Tacos or cheeseburgers?

9. And the excellence of your bud

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After all, that’s what matters most.

10. Confusion

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It was as if people were speaking jibberish. Then again, you probably weren’t paying much attention anyway.

11. Also, no one knows what you’re talking about

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But hey, you tried. And it made sense to you.

12. Each thought takes 30 minutes to process

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13. You don’t think anyone can tell you were high

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14. Everything is funny

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15. So funny, that you can’t stop laughing if you tried

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16. Although you think you sound clever, that just isn’t the case

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17. Finding something to entertain you is easy as pie

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Hehehe.. nuggets.

18. No one else is amused, though

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19. For no reason at all, you become paranoid

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20. And you feel like you can’t breathe

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21. Getting high is the only thing you feel like you can do

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22. You forget how to do pretty much everything else

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23. Especially driving

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24. And how to behave while sober

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25. You hope for an out-of-this-world experience

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26. Instead, you spend hours on YouTube watching cat videos

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