Photo courtesy of That ’70s Show

Why Did Leo Leave Season 5 Of ‘That ’70s Show’

Maybe he was filming another weed movie, or perhaps it was a whole lot worse than that.

There are countless reasons to love That ’70s Show, from the group’s many mishaps to Red and Kitty Foreman’s playful banter, strict parenting, and polar-opposite ways. 

Perhaps one of the best scenes in the show are the many circle seshes that see the group huddled around a table, sharing a joint as the camera pans from toker to toker

But there’s no denying that one man took the show into an even more cannabis-friendly space; the one and only Tommy Chong. Known for his weed comedies along with Cheech Marin in “Up In Smoke” and many more, Chong played the pothead we know and love in That 70s Show, Leo Chingkwake. 

What the hell happened to him in season five? The actor made quite the presence in the first few seasons while working at the PhotoHut and following the group on their many journeys. When it came to the show’s fifth season, Chong had disappeared completely and didn’t return until season seven without explaining his absence. 

Photo courtesy of Tommy Chong

We recently learned that Chong was actually in prison during seasons five and six of That 70s Show. For what? Of course, it was cannabis-related. Looper reports that in 2003, during the show’s fifth season, Chong was arrested on charges of selling drug paraphernalia. 

Even though marijuana was illegal at the time and still is on a federal level, head shops everywhere were legally selling glass pipes and bongs, but in Chong’s case, he was busted for selling his glassware to consumers in other states through internet sales. He pleaded guilty to the charge and ended up behind bars for nine months. 

Following his release, Chong spoke with The Guardian in an interview and explained that he did all he could to remain positive and at peace by reading the I Ching. And now, with cannabis gaining legal status in a handful of states and countries, we can only hope Chong is happily toking on a joint and looking back at his monumental moves for the industry with pride.

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