Photo courtesy of Merry Jane

News | 11.30.2021

Can You Buy Weed Online In The UK?

We tried. Guess what happened.

Unfortunately, cannabis is still illegal in the United Kingdom, leaving many weed-users looking to obtain cannabis from their physicians or through the illicit market

We thought there had to be some kind of loophole to get safe cannabis into the hands of UK residents or tourists that come from places where cannabis is legal. We just so happened to stumble upon UK Weed Farm Dispensary, which dubs itself as a “legit online dispensary based in the UK,” and they carry both “recreational” and “medicinal” cannabis products.  

Photo by Kampus Production / Pexels

We found the UK Weed Farm Dispensary through the beloved Quora, which had various discussions on how UK residents actually obtain their weed without getting screwed over by insane dealer prices and low-quality goods. In fact, many residents are supporting the illicit market in the United Kingdom now more than ever. There were various anonymous Quora users who gave numbers and email addresses to what’s called “worldwide dealers.”

These are dealers that supposedly have an illegal operation in many countries (or states) where cannabis is illegal, but this seems way too sketchy to be a part of. That said, unfortunately, this is how most of the UK is buying their cannabis.

Back to the UK Weed Farm Dispensary, the online retail shop holds just about any cannabis product you can think of. From tinctures and edibles to Delta 8 THC products and smokeable flower, they seem to live up to the name of a “legit” dispensary, although it’s not entirely “legit” since recreational cannabis is still illegal in the United Kingdom.

Photo by Kindel Media / Pexels

We thought to give the ordering process a shot. We added a CBD tincture and a whole Indica flower to our cart and proceeded to the checkout. The dispensary’s shipping options were very helpful, allowing for 72-hour shipping inside the UK, priority shipping in 24 hours, and last but certainly not least, a 3-5 day international shipment to other countries in Europe, the United States, Australia, Canada, and more.

Here’s the catch; the UK Weed Farm Dispensary only allows payment through cryptocurrency. This must be how they haven’t been shut down yet; it’s as if the government can’t do much about illegal weed shops that sell cannabis products for cryptocurrency because it’s not a real-life transaction but one that’s solely virtual.

We’re still not entirely sure how selling cannabis for cryptocurrency is a loophole; it seems like a legal gray area at the moment. Needless to say, we didn’t end up purchasing any products from the online UK Weed Farm Dispensary.

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