Photo courtesy of Tweed

Did You Know Tweed Has A Virtual Cannabis Cultivation Game?

We sure didn't.

In some sly, hush-hush marketing tactics, Canadian cannabis brand Tweed wants you to virtually grow weed through its new(ish) QR-code accessible video game. 

Tweed is owned by a large-scale cannabis producer and industry giant, Canopy Growth, based in Smith Falls, Ontario. The company houses popular cannabis brands like 7ACRES, Ace Valley, Deep Space, etc. 

Tweed, one of Canopy’s leading brands, introduced a weed video game via QR code on its cannabis products, but there wasn’t a single press release or news statement about it, reports The Deep Dive

In fact, it was a customer who discovered the weed-growing video game. Twitter user @whatsmypot posted a tweet, explaining, “I got a couple packs of these QR codes this week but didn’t scan until today and it goes to something that is VERY unexpected.”

He questioned, “How is nobody talking about the fact that Canopy has a weed growing, Zelda style webgame?”


Photo courtesy of Tweed

The Deep Dive mentions that the “Zelda-style” game was a part of Tweed’s raffle contest from February 14 to April 21. 

The game lets players go through your usual cannabis cultivating routines like watering your plants and giving them light all the way up to harvest time. 

The report explains how the content potion lets players spin a prize wheel for a chance to win instant prizes or have their names put down in a draw from weekly prizes. 

As mentioned above, this was likely a marketing scheme for Canopy Growth’s Tweed brand. Still, if it weren’t for the Twitter user, we would have never known what virtual cannabis cultivating experiences lie within phone-scannable QR codes. 

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