Guides | 05.25.2023

You Can Easily Hide The Smell Of Weed Smoke With…A Balloon?

Besides concealing odor, this method might help you get higher.

Good quality weed is not cheap. It’s not surprising when people come up with methods to make the most of what they have by recycling their cannabis. It’s not as difficult as you’d think.

Turns out, there’s an easy and affordable way to recycle cannabis with something you probably have at home. In this guide, we’re discussing the balloon method.

It may be pointless for stoners with nothing to hide, but if you’re looking to hide the smell of weed smoke or want to get twice as much smoke from every hit, this method is for you.

What Is The Balloon Method?

The balloon method is something many stoners wouldn’t even consider. That’s because it’s not really beneficial unless you need to hide weed smoke or want more smoke from each hit.

It involves inhaling smoke as you normally would and exhaling it into a balloon. It may sound pointless, but there are a few reasons why some stoners opt for this method.

Before we dive into the benefits of the balloon method, here’s what you’ll need and how to do it:

  • Cannabis flower
  • Lighter or matches
  • A medium-sized balloon
  • A bong, pipe, joint, or bubbler

The following steps will show you how to maximize your hits using a balloon:

  • Pack your bowl with enough weed for one really good hit
  • Light it up as you normally would and deeply inhale
  • Hold in your hit and place the balloon in your mouth
  • Exhale into the balloon, filling it with smoke until you’ve exhaled all you can
  • Hold the end to ensure that no smoke is released
  • Bring the balloon back to your mouth and re-inhale the smoke from inside the balloon
  • Hold briefly, then slowly exhale outward or back into the balloon if you choose

Why Bother Using The Balloon Method?

Some people use this method to hide the smell of cannabis rather than using a sploof, exhaling out of a window, or vaping.

This could work by simply tying the end of the balloon once you’ve finished and disposing of it later. Or, you could continue inhaling from the balloon and exhaling into the balloon until there’s no smoke left. Talk about making the most of your flower!

Keep in mind that the smoke shouldn’t sit inside the balloon for too long, or the flavor may change. The smoke can also pick up chemicals or dust inside the balloon, so try to recycle about four hits max before lighting up again. But otherwise, it’s a fantastic way to get twice as much out of each hit taken, especially if you’re running low on weed.

If the hits aren’t as strong as you’d like, try inhaling the smoke into your mouth only (not the lungs), then blow it into the balloon. This way, most of the THC won’t be absorbed by the lungs on the initial toke, leaving more to recycle using the balloon method.

The balloon method isn’t just for solo smokers. Some partygoers have taken to filling up balloons with weed smoke or vapor and passing them around as party favors (how festive)!

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