Photo by Kübra Doğu

Infused Kombucha Recipe: The Ultimate Gut Healer

Feed your gut what it needs with this weed-infused kombucha recipe.

We know by now that cannabis is a healer

This is especially true for medical marijuana patients who use the plant to combat chronic pain and inflammation. 

In recent years, Western society has started considering alternatives to pharmaceuticals and prescription drugs. We often look to cannabis to help treat and reduce pain, but does cannabis help your gut microbiome and aid in digestion? 

Weed may help relieve nausea and inflammation in your digestive tract, but maybe your gut is asking for a little more help. 

One of the most popular and beneficial beverages to help reset your digestive system is kombucha, a fermented drink that’s loaded with benefits. 

What Is Kombucha & Why Is It Good For You?

Kombucha improves digestion because it contains essential probiotics that are great for your gut. It’s a fermented beverage that’s also rich in vitamin B and antioxidants.

It’s a great coffee replacer since most kombucha beverages have caffeine. It’s also a fantastic way to start your day, not just because of the caffeine but because it awakens the digestive tract with a probiotic cleanse.

These beverages are often carbonated and flavored with fruit extract. Just watch out when you’re buying it from the grocery store, as some brands are loaded with sugar.

Kombucha contains SCOBY, an acronym for a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast. Sounds pretty odd, and it looks even weirder. But the slimy and thick SCOBY is essential to make this healthy and gut-friendly beverage.

Below, you’ll find our recipe for weed-infused kombucha. It’s pretty time-consuming, but it’s so rewarding, especially once the effects kick in.

Infused Kombucha Recipe

Photo by Timur Weber

Serves 4

Yields 1 Gallon of Kombucha

Before you start, you will need

  • Large pot 
  • Wooden spoon
  • Large glass jar that seals closed
  • Cheesecloth or pantyhose


  • 1 gallon of water
  • 1 SCOBY (available at your local health food store or online)
  • 1 cup pre-made kombucha (your flavor of choice)
  • 1 cup organic cane sugar
  • 12 bags of any black tea
  • 1 ounce of decarboxylated cannabis


  • Bring a gallon of water to a boil in your large pot. 
  • Add sugar and stir with your wooden spoon until dissolved. 
  • Turn off the stove and steep your 12 tea bags in the water for ten minutes. 
  • Remove tea bags and pour liquid into the large glass jar, leaving some room at the top. 
  • Add your pre-made kombucha from the store into the glass jar. 
  • Wash and dry your hands, then carefully place your SCOBY into the jar. Do not move it around when inside the jar. 
  • Take your cheesecloth or pantyhose and pack it with your decarbed cannabis. 
  • Dip the cannabis into the jar and leave it in. 
  • Seal your jar tight to allow it to ferment properly. 
  • Place your jar in a dark and warm area to ferment. 

When To Drink Your Kombucha

Once four days have passed, check on your kombucha and open it.

There may be small bubbles. You can also sip on the mixture with a straw to see how it tastes.

After your check-up, seal the lid closed again for another 4-7 days. You’ll know it’s ready when it fizzes upon opening, and it tastes sweet.

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