Louisiana Medical Marijuana Dispensaries

Baton Rouge, US

Louisiana Medical Marijuana Dispensaries


This listing is for informational purposes only.

About Us

Louisiana Medical Marijuana Dispensary


While currently there is no functional medical marijuana program established in Louisiana, the state government has implemented several pieces of legislation, most recently SB 271 and SB 180, to offer further clarity to a potential Louisiana Medical Marijuana program.


Louisiana Medical Marijuana Dispensaries, Pharmacies, Processors and Cultivators Info:


The Louisiana Board of Pharmacy will award licenses to no more than ten pharmacies to dispense medical marijuana in person, with the geological location of these dispensary pharmacies to be determined. All applicants are required to undergo thorough criminal background checks as a condition of eligibility.


The Board of Pharmacy authorized the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center and the Southern University Agricultural Center to be solely licensed for the production of recommended marijuana in one single geographical location.


Before dispensing or recommending medical marijuana, both the physician and person dispensing must review the patient’s information in the Prescription Monitoring Program.


The levels of THC in any recommended marijuana will be reduced to the lowest acceptable levels therapeutically available.


What Louisiana Medical Marijuana Dispensary Patients Need to Know Regarding Their Rights:


Any patient or caregiver or parent of a minor in possession of medical marijuana (or in possession on behalf of their minor child) shall not be subject to prosecution for the possession or distribution of marijuana.

***Currently, there is no existing deadline for Louisiana’s Board of Pharmacy to establish the rules and regulations relating to dispensing, recommending, appraising the quality of, cultivating, extraction and processing of medical marijuana for therapeutic use.




Louisiana Medical Marijuana Updates


While these laws may eventually prove workable to create a medical marijuana program in Louisiana, there is still much work to be done in the establishing regulations and refining laws before finally allowing patients to qualify for and obtain medical marijuana. Some wheels are already in motion, as LSU and Southern University are currently seeking contractors to begin growing medical marijuana with outside investors waiting to jump start Louisiana’s cannabis industry.


To stay updated, check back on this page for news, or if you want to get involved, contact your local Representative or the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy at www.pharmacy.la.gov.


  • Medical

    N/A,Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70806, U.S.
    7:00 am - 7:00 pm
    7:00 am - 7:00 pm
    7:00 am - 7:00 pm
    7:00 am - 7:00 pm
    7:00 am - 7:00 pm
    7:00 am - 7:00 pm
    7:00 am - 7:00 pm