Photo by Anthony Celenie / Pexels

10 Ways To Smoke Weed Without A Pipe, Papers, Or Bong

Necessity breeds creativity.

We’ve all been there before, going in for a nice toke or hit after a long day, only to realize that you’re out of papers or your pipe/bong broke.

If you’re finding yourself stuck somewhere with no rolling pipe, papers, or bong in sight, fear not – the following DIY methods for smoking weed are guaranteed to save the day. 

From fruit and kitchen items to garden finds, let’s explore some effective ways to get your green on, even without traditional materials.

The Apple Pipe

Photo courtesy of Leafly

A classic alternative used by many is the apple pipe. 

Grab a firm apple and twist off the stem. Carve a bowl-shaped hole at the top where the stem was, deep enough to hold your cannabis but not so deep that it punctures the other side. 

Create a second hole on the side of the apple to meet the bottom of the first hole, forming your airflow pathway. For the mouthpiece, carve a third hole on another side that connects to the pathway. 

Pack your green in the top, light up, and inhale from the side hole. You may get the bonus of tasting the apple’s essence with each hit.

Ditch The Apple With Pipes From Thick Ass Glass

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A little creativity when it comes to smoking is always appreciated, but there is a reason why there are products that have already been invented to make our lives easier. For example, this pipe is small but potent and can deliver a big high without compromising quality.

The 4″ Super Thick Dry Spoon Pipe by Thick Ass Glass is just what you need for a hassle-free cannabis session. With its compact and efficient design, this pipe is an unbeatable alternative in price and quality.

Possibly the thickest spoon pipe you’ll find on the web, its density and weight make it stand out from any other piece you’ve ever held. 

The comfortable mouthpiece, left-side carb hole, and perfect bowl size ensure a great puff every time. Its design provides pleasant suction and quick cleanup when ready to wrap it up.

Lemon Or Lime Pipe

Similar vibe to the apple, you can use lemon or limes to make yourself a DIY pipe.

Cut a lemon or lime in half and scoop out the fruit to form a bowl. Poke a small hole in the bottom of one half and widen it just enough to allow airflow but not so wide that your cannabis falls through. 

Carve another hole on the side for your mouthpiece, ensuring it connects with the bottom hole. Fill with cannabis, light it up, and enjoy the tangy twist it brings to your smoke.

Turns out citrus can add zest to your life in multiple ways.

Corn Husks Papers

Photo courtesy of Mellow Fellow

Dried corn husks make for excellent natural rolling papers. 

Simply take a clean, dry husk and cut it to size. Roll your ground cannabis tightly within the husk, folding one end to keep the bud from falling out. 

Moisten the edge of the husk to seal it, just like a regular joint. 

The result? It is a slow-burning, distinctly flavored joint that’s as organic as possible.

Rose Petal Papers

If you’ve shopped at a dispensary, you’ve likely encountered specialty rose petal joints. Follow suit and use rose petals if you need papers. 

Heat the petals in an oven at 200 degrees for about 10 seconds—just enough to make them pliable. Overlap three or four petals and stick them together using the natural stickiness from heating. 

Once you have a small sheet, roll your cannabis in it tightly, sealing the edge with a dab of water if needed. Light the thicker end and enjoy the subtle rose-infused aroma that complements the herbal cannabis notes.

Regular Leaf Papers

Regular leaves can serve as rolling papers if you’re in the mood for a rustic feel. 

Suitable leaves can be sourced from various non-toxic plants commonly found in gardens or wild environments, such as mulberry, maple, or even large spinach leaves if you come across those.

To prepare the leaves for rolling, ensure they are clean and completely dry. Flatten them under a book if they tend to curl. Similar to working with traditional papers, place your ground cannabis evenly along one side of the leaf, leaving enough space at the edges to prevent spillage. 

Carefully roll the leaf around the cannabis, tucking in one edge to start and rolling tightly to encapsulate the contents fully. Seal the leaf paper by moistening the edge slightly with water and pressing firmly.

Bell Pepper Bong

Choose a large bell pepper and slice the top off. Remove the seeds and core, creating a hollow. 

Carve a small hole near the bottom for your mouthpiece and a larger hole on the side for loading your cannabis. 

You can insert a small tube or just use the hole directly. Fill with water, pack the side hole, light it up, and inhale from the bottom.

It’s refreshingly different!

Coconut Bong

Ready to break out the power tools for a tropical twist on your smoke session?

Start with a fresh coconut and drill three holes: one at the top to drain the water (save it for a hydrating treat post-smoke!), one large enough to use as a mouthpiece, and a smaller hole for your cannabis bowl. 

If you have a metal bowl, insert it into the smaller hole; otherwise, fashion a bowl using aluminum foil. Fill the coconut with some water, pack the bowl, light it, and draw from the mouthpiece. Tropical vibes are guaranteed.

Pringles Can Bong

Empty a Pringles can and rinse it out. Near the bottom of the can, punch a hole big enough to insert a small bowl or aluminum foil fashioned into a bowl. 

Cover the top of the can with a piece of plastic wrap secured with a rubber band. Poke a few small holes in the plastic wrap. 

Fill the bowl with cannabis, light it while gently pulling up on the plastic to create a vacuum, and inhale from the top. 

Who knew your favorite snack could also facilitate your smoking in a pinch?

Honey Bear Bong

Take an empty honey bear plastic bottle and clean it thoroughly. Create two holes: one low for the mouthpiece and another higher up for your cannabis bowl. Insert a bowl in the higher hole, carefully ensuring it’s snug and secure. 

For the bowl, you can use a small metal pipe piece or create one from aluminum foil that fits well into the hole. 

Once your bowl is in place, fill the honey bear with enough water to submerge the lower part of the bowl, but not so much that it spills out of the mouthpiece hole when tilted.

Next, pack your cannabis into the bowl. As you light the cannabis, slowly inhale from the mouthpiece at the lower hole.

Hot Knife Method

Hot knives offer a direct way to consume cannabis concentrates without the need for an elaborate apparatus. 

You’ll need two butter knives and a heat source such as a stove or a torch. Heat the knives until they are glowing hot. Be careful during this step to avoid any burns. Once hot, place a small piece of concentrate on one knife and press it with the other knife. The heat will instantly vaporize the concentrate.

Inhale the vapor quickly using a straw or a funnel to direct the smoke—improvisation is key here. Some use the top cut-off portion of a plastic bottle as a funnel to catch and inhale the vapor more effectively.

A Final Note On Smoking Alternatives

From fruit bongs to flower petal papers, this list proves that where there’s a will, there’s a way. 

Just remember, while creativity in your cannabis adventures is encouraged, safety is never out of style. 

Always consider the materials you’re using: some, like certain plastics or metals, can release harmful chemicals when heated. Opt for natural materials like fruits or corn husks when possible, and avoid using anything with paint, coatings, or potential contaminants.

Remember, the goal is to enhance your experience, not compromise your health.

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