sleeping well again!
it's been awesome to find a product that helps me get a good night's sleep!!!!!! i was using the regular gummies, but tried the ones with melatonin and it's definitely been fantastic!!! i'm actually sleeping well almost every night! yes-occasionally it's not perfect, but so much better than before using these! i have been so pleased with this prod sleeping well again!
definitely top quality cbd
just tried this company from their memorial day 2021 promotion and after trying their 50mg buzz gummies, i felt a very noticeable change in my mood for the better! i tried other big brand edibles before but never really felt anything with them, so i think five cbd's 50mg products truly does have the premium full spectrum cbd+thc in them because th definitely top quality cbd
i love the daily buzz!
it's about time someone finally put more than just 25mg in a gummy! i hope they add a +delta 8 and 10 option soon!
50 mg sure packs a punch
i have used the 50 mg high dose cbd gummies from 5cbd. theses gummies also contain 5mg of thc derived from hemp.
i get relaxed with one and stoned with two. i do feel this thc is more mellow than the thc from the legal dispensary in my town. i really enjoy these gummies but beware as a rookie you may get high. i also took one and a half and e 50 mg sure packs a punch
sleep gummies
i've struggled staying asleep for years, my brain just wouldn't turn off, worries about everything! these gummies have helped me fall asleep and stay asleep, no more 3oclock wake ups. amazing product!!!
more than buzzed...
i don't know what's in these things, but i don't get buzzed, i get stoned. i've used a lot of cbd (tintures/gummies/joints) and i've never had a buzz like this. i get couch lock with these and no way could i drive. they're great, but buyer beware the first time you take one, don't do what i did and take one at lunch during the week and then try an more than buzzed...
the sleep gummies are ok
they taste amazing and they work! the only downfall for me is that they give me a bad belly ache. after falling asleep i end up waking up with the ache - in which case i need to get back up to eat some ginger. my husband likes them and has no issues with them.
love these
helps me sleep and also helps with pain. i highly recommend
game changer!
i sleep much better now! the gummies not only taste pretty good, they work.
another review stated they are a scam and they subscribe you without your knowledge. no they don't. you clicked the wrong button. you could choose a one time purchase or choose to subscribe. the only thing about the subscription option is for us to choose the duration game changer!
ok... so i ordered the gummy sampler to try because i was not sure. well, the verdict is in... i love them! i specifically like the sleep ones with melatonin. i got the best night sleep last night that i've had in a long time. so good, i reordered a whole bottle of the sleep gummies. will also post a review on instagram @stellarsteph95_
thanks wow!