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Every day there seems to be something new in the weed world. A handy guide to the famous Moon Rocks and why their well-deserved success.
Discover the history, effects, benefits, and how to prepare this mysterious Indian drink
Genetics play a huge role in your plant's growth and development. Here's a beginner's guide to cannabis breeding so you can choose the best strain for your homegrow.
From organic seeds to top-notch strains like White Rhino, we’ve got you covered.
Cases of fentanyl-laced weed have been wildly misreported.
The Latin Kings are more of a family than a gang.
Despite operating legally under state laws, many weed companies have been shut out of banks due to federal ignorance So here are the banks that welcome weed.
After reporters lab tested Kronic Juice vapes, the company’s website was taken down.
How long after surgery can you smoke weed? Read on to find out.
So you want to lower your weed tolerance without the fear of missing out? This lifehack will increase your blood/THC levels by 15 percent.
If you’ve been exploring different ways to grow cannabis, you might be wondering: “what is aquaponics?” Here, we provide all the basics of this sustainable system.
Some growers swear by aeroponics. But what is aeroponics exactly and is it something you should consider? Here are the pros and cons.