Denver, US
Friends of Kind Love,
It’s our GREAT pleasure to offer you this menu listing, and we hope you find something you absolutely LOVE. We do our best to curate a comprehensive selection for you that includes everything from the leading brands in cannabis, to some hidden gems you may not have heard of before.
Please note that sometimes there can be a lag between this menu and our point of sale, so every once in a while something might go askew, but we do our very best to keep this platform as updated as we can for you.
If you have any questions or suggestions about the menu, we’d love to answer them, feel free to call us at 720.390.3600 or email at
All our love,
Kind Love
Kind Love is a legacy cannabis brand that focuses on quality over everything. The crux of what we do is in the cultivation of our extraordinary genetics library, with each strain displaying a personality of traits that we’ve mindfully chosen over more than a decade. We breed our own genetics, as well, with favorites like the ARCtic Cookies, Trixxx, and Aces High bound to leave your mouth watering!
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Adult-Use Retail: 402R-00370Medical Retail: 402-00925