Photo by Jonathan Coward for Herb

How To Avoid The Munchies When Still High

Here’s how to get rid of the munchies, save your wallet and reduce your waistline.

Satisfying the munchies is, for many cannabis enthusiasts, the most expensive part of their practice.

While for many medical users, cannabis’ ability to stimulate your appetite can feel like a miracle, recreational users can find this aspect of getting high more akin to a curse—a never-ending desire for salty snack foods and sugary drinks.

It’s called the munchies, and it’s a financial black hole.

So how do you get rid of the munchies without the help of your local corner store and debit card’s tap function?

It isn’t always easy, but with some careful planning and earnest effort, it is possible to be high and not hungry.

Here are some of our favorite techniques to obliterate the munchies.


Photo by Vane Nunes / Adobe Stock Photo

What if there was a way to get high and not have the munchies? Sound impossible, but it’s true. Meet THCV.

Like Delta 8 or THC-O, THCV is a close relative to Delta 9 THC  – aka regular THC. What’s unique about it is that it has psychoactive properties, like THC and acts as an appetite suppressant.

For that reason, people have been calling it diet weed.

However, studies show that it acts opposite to regular THC regarding its effects. This means it can actually block some of the actions caused by THC, like the munchies.

THCV is definitely worth trying if you’ve found yourself one too many times eating an entire pizza by yourself when high. However, you gotta be careful with the products you choose.

We highly recommend you use Spyglass Wellness’ Lingua tincture that offers one of the highest THCV concentrations on the market and is backed by thorough lab testing.

Distract Yourself

Photo by Jonathan Coward for Herb

Ok, so maybe you don’t want to exercise when you’re high. That’s ok. But boredom is still not your friend when you’re looking to stave off the munchies.

How many times do you find yourself peering into your refrigerator when trying to get work done at home, even though you already know what’s in there?

We use food as a distraction, a way of procrastinating that is justifiable because it’s an essential bodily function. We often eat even when our body doesn’t need food.

Next time you’re high and feel the munchies coming on, try to distract yourself with something that can stimulate the body or mind. Pick up an engaging book.

Get outside and play some sports. Play a video game that requires a high level of focus. If your hunger mysteriously disappears, it’s because you were never starving; you were bored.

Drink Lots Of Fluids

Photo by Georgia Love for Herb

Sometimes, thirst is misinterpreted as hunger. Keeping yourself well hydrated is generally good practice, but extra hydration can help eliminate the feeling of emptiness in your stomach.

Clinical trials have found that water can effectively reduce your appetite and even in helping you to lose weight. Water fills your stomach, but unlike potato chips, it is zero calories and often free to access.

If water doesn’t satisfy your cravings, you might want to try something a little more flavorful, like tea.

Tea is great because it comes in a variety of flavors, is hydrating, and, best of all: it’s extremely cheap.

Sometimes, when you have the munchies, you’re really just bored and looking for something to occupy your hands and mouth. Tea can definitely help satisfy that craving.

Eat Healthy Food

Photo by Jonathan Coward for Herb

If you’re eating and eating and eating and never getting full, it may have less to do with cannabis or your stomach and more to do with the fact that Doritos do not exactly satisfy your body’s need for vitamins and minerals.

Next time you get high and feel those familiar pangs of hunger coming on, reach for a banana, orange, or grapefruit.

Make yourself a well-rounded meal with lots of leafy greens and foods that satisfy your body’s craving for nutrients.

If you can include foods from all food groups, you’ll feel much more satisfied than a meal of mostly carbs and cheese.


smoking tips for a better high

Photo by Jonathan Coward for Herb

Exercise is a great way to ward off the munchies for several reasons.

For one, it’ll distract your body and mind. Rather than thinking about the leftover pizza in your refrigerator, your focus will be the energy-intensive task at hand.

It’s hard to think about eating when you’re 30 minutes into a 10-kilometer run and trying not to puke.

Scientifically, exercise is also a safe bet when getting rid of the munchies. Researchers have determined that exercise—particularly aerobic exercise—affects the body’s appetite hormones in a way that suppresses your appetite.

Working exercise into your regular cannabis consumption regimen may not only help to eliminate the desire for junk food but leave you with a set of killer abs.

Stop Fighting The Inevitable

Photo by Jonathan Coward for Herb

Fuck it, life’s short. Eat that pizza!

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