Photo by Ron Lach

Guides | 02.26.2024

How To Make Cannabutter: An Easy Guide

The art of cooking with cannabis has never been the same.

Every avid cannabis consumer and chef knows the quintessential secret behind potent edibles: the magic of cannabutter.

If you’re searching for a simplified and efficient way to produce top-notch cannabutter, you’re in for a treat. We’ve rounded up 3 quality devices that do the grunt work for you.

We’ve taken our 4-step guide and infused it with the prowess of Ongrok’s leading-edge tools. Their Decarboxylator Machine and Large Botanical Infuser Machine make it effortless to whip up your own batch of cannabutter.

But, in case you’re looking for an all-in-one device that truly does everything for you (and even has dishwasher-safe parts), check out this cannabutter maker from LĒVO and its benefits for easy, at-home infusions.

Step 1: Decarboxylation - Making the Magic Happen

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Old-school method: Grinding your cannabis and baking it in the oven.

Step up with Ongrok: The Ongrok Decarboxylator Machine streamlines the process. By maintaining precise temperatures, it ensures that your cannabis unlocks its maximum potency. No guesswork, just consistent perfection. And bonus – it’s odor-free!

Step 2: Melt The Butter

While your herbs are being activated is a good time to clarify your butter. Clarified butter is also called drawn butter. It’s important to use drawn or clarified butter for your weed recipes because hard, cold butter sticks can never go into the MagicalButter machine. Also, removing the watery whey and milk solids from melted butter yields a richer extract with improved consistency and flavor.

Simply melt your hard butter in a saucepan over low heat until it divides into three layers: a large layer of clarified golden butterfat sandwiched between two thin layers of white milkfat. Then, skim off and discard the foamy top layer, and slowly decant the yellow layer into a container, taking care to leave behind the water and whey in the bottom. That yellow butterfat is clarified butter, the starting point for making MagicalButter. The end product will turn to a healthy green tint, owing to the chlorophyll in the plant.

Any kind of unsalted butter you like is acceptable, though fancy Irish butter usually leads to a better infusion: Better butter has less water content, yielding more infusible butterfat.

Step 3: Infuse the Cannabis

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Traditional Technique: Combine your decarboxylated cannabis with the melted butter in the saucepan, letting it simmer for a few hours. This requires regular stirring and a watchful eye to prevent burning.

Upgrade with Ongrok: With Ongrok’s Butter Maker, you’re introducing a game-changer into your kitchen. This nifty device handles the infusion process, ensuring an even mix and consistent temperature throughout. Plus, its stainless steel design makes it a sleek and stylish addition to your kitchen setup.

Step 4: Strain and Store

Pour the butter through a fine strainer or cheesecloth to separate the plant material from your now green-hued butter. Once strained, store in the refrigerator until solidified and it’s ready to use!

Cannabutter is the backbone of many delightful edibles. And while traditional methods have their charm, technology, like what Ongrok offers, serves up consistency and simplicity. With tools like the Ongrok Decarboxylator Machine and Butter Maker, your journey from bud to butter becomes a walk in the park. Dive deeper into the world of cannabis and elevate your edibles game with Ongrok today.

All-In-One Cannabutter Maker: LĒVO C

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While the above steps simplify the complex cannabutter-making process, the LĒVO C makes it effortless. That’s because all you need is the one device, its included parts, and your favorite strain to whip up something truly potent and versatile. 

This large infuser machine whips up big batches of oils, butter, honey, vegetable glycerin, and more! It features an ACTIVATE mode to decarboxylate your herb for maximum potency and INFUSE settings with precise time and temperature controls that you can tailor to your preferences.

With a 1.4-liter glass basin that doubles as a storage container, you can whip up 1 liter of infused butter. Plus, it even comes with a Jumbo Pod that holds 1 ounce of dried flower, making your infusion even more potent!

With the easy touch-screen interface, 100% dishwasher-safe parts, and money saved compared to buying pre-made infused oils and foods, the LĒVO C is a no-brainer for anyone looking to make easy, delicious, and potent homemade edibles. Order now and become the canna chef you always wanted to be.

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