Guides | 05.27.2024

How To Lower Your Weed Tolerance and Enhance Your High Without Taking a Break

So you want to lower your weed tolerance without the fear of missing out? This lifehack will increase your blood/THC levels by 15 percent.

If your best weed just isn’t giving you the same high it once used to, then the advice you’ve probably heard is that you should take a break from smoking. While this might be a valid option, it’s not the only one. Here are some alternatives if you want to enhance your high and lower your weed tolerance without smoking less.

Change your routine

Whether you’re the wake and bake type or the kind that likes to unwind after work, it couldn’t hurt to change up that ritual. Sometimes all your body needs is a change of pace to shake it out of a routine it’s gotten used to. If you want to increase your tolerance without reducing your intake, this could be the place to start. But changing your routine alone might not be enough. To really lower your weed tolerance,  try switching a few more things in tandem.

Alternate your methods

Maybe you’ve gotten used to the convenience of having some joints handy. Or perhaps you have a favorite bong that hits just right with a couple of cubes of ice? THC is absorbed differently depending on how you consume it. If you prefer to smoke, then its absorbed into the blood through your lungs, but if you prefer the occasional cookie, your body metabolizes the THC first. If you’ve tried both, you know the difference between the head buzz of a bong rip, the couch-lock of a brownie, and the total annihilation of that first dab. Either way, it might do some good to alternate between vaping, eating and dabbing so that your body doesn’t acclimatize to one method.

Treat yourself to a new vaping or dabbing device, like the PAX 3, from the Herb Shop!

Switch up your strains

If you’ve found the perfect strain, whether it be the perfect energetic Sativa to get you going in the morning or a mellow Indica to let you relax, there are a wide variety of strains that could give you a similar high with a more potent punch. Develop a list of favorite strains, rather than just the one to avoid over-familiarity. With HERB’s comprehensive strain database and dispensaries popping up all over the country, it’s now easier than ever to find what you’re looking for and lower your weed tolerance.

Give runner’s high a try

Yeah, sure, “take a run” isn’t what you wanted to hear, but if changing your routine hasn’t done the trick you may just have to give it a try if you seriously want to lower your weed tolerance. According to a 2015 study published by the National Academy of Sciences, exercise has similar effects to weed on the endocannabinoid system. A little bit of cardio can help the body to produce its own cannabinoids which causes something known to fitness enthusiast as, “runner’s high.”

What’s more, a study published in 2013 in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence found that THC stored in the fat can be released into the blood during exercise up to 28 days after smoking. So head down to your local cannabis gym or smoke-up just before a bike ride because it could increase your blood/THC levels by 15 percent. As a bonus, it’ll also act as a post-workout pain reliever.

Boost your buzz with science

If all else fails, trust in some basic chemistry. In particular: myrcene is a terpene or especially pungent hydrocarbon which helps your blood absorb THC faster. Of the more than 200 potential terpenes in cannabis, myrcene is one of the most prevalent and adding more into the mix is as easy as eating delicious fruit.

A  2011 study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology found that the interaction between myrcenes and THC is what produces the infamous ‘couch-lock.’ So if you’d like to lower your weed tolerance for a more intense high, eating mangoes, which are especially high in myrcene, before you smoke should do the trick. If mangoes aren’t your thing, then pick up some broccoli and nuts.

Proper Storage

Sometimes it’s not you, it’s the weed (but depending on how you choose to store it; it might still be you). Just like the mango you’re using to enhance your high will oxidize and turn brown when left in the open, cannabis is affected by exposure to oxygen. The THC in your bud will lose its potency if not stored properly, so when you’re done smoking put it away somewhere airtight and temperature friendly.

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