Oaksterdam University

Did You Know You Can Actually Attend A Cannabis College?

Oaksterdam University provides the kind of education that could help you create a million dollar company in the booming cannabis industry.

A very common group of question that members of the cannabis community often surrounds the ability to get into the business of the herb. Before, it was all about knowing the right people and having a large network. One college caters just for the people that want to jump into the cannabis industry.

Quality education

Oaksterdam University in Oakland California teaches a broad level of content that focuses on many aspects of the cannabis plant and the industry.

When people hear of a cannabis university, they will often dismiss it as not a true way to educate yourself. But with Oaksterdam University, you get the kind of education that could help you create a million dollar company in the booming cannabis industry.

They provide the framework of knowledge needed to excel, and all you have to provide is that one big idea that can carry you to success.

Their academic departments consist of nine disciplines; business, culinary arts, history, horticulture, law, science, life science, social science and applied science, all taught by experienced faculty.

Oaksterdam’s horticulture professors, for example, each have a minimum of 20 years’ experience and engage with students with an innovative cannabis grow laboratory.

Oaksterdam University: Setting very high standards

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The students, not all of whom are cannabis consumers, range from experienced health professionals and entrepreneurs to growers, and medical patients. Since 2007, Oaksterdam has created a growing base of alumni that now totals over 30,000.

In addition to classes held on Oaksterdam’s campus, the school holds four-day seminars across the country based on the same curriculum.

With the knowledge, input, and support of their 150-plus faculty pioneers, employers and canna-business leaders, Oaksterdam’s curriculum are the most well established and comprehensive in the nation.

Some of the faculty helped write California’s Proposition 215, Senate Bill 420 and many other state ballot initiatives, and OU continues to advise on legislation and regulation of cannabis for local, state, national and international governmental bodies and agencies.

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