Photo by Kampus Production

How Much Is A Quarter Of Weed?

We're here to help you get a bang for your buck around the nation.

The price for a quarter (q) of cannabis varies from state to state, but it also varies from city to city.

According to Pearly Writes, the national average cost for a quarter of weed is around $68, which is actually $6 cheaper than the price it was last year, which went for a national average of $74.

First, for any newbies in the weed game, here’s an easy guide to the cannabis lingo:

  • Eighth of weed = 3.5 grams
  • Quarter of weed = 2 eighths = 7 grams
  • Half of weed = 2 quarters = 4 eighths = 14 grams
  • Ounce of weed = 2 halves = 4 quarters = 8 eighths = 28 grams

Now that you understand the basics let’s discuss the prices for a quarter of weed throughout the nation. The price you’re paying for a quarter of weed depends on where you’re located, the season, and several other factors.

The price you’d pay for a quarter of cannabis also depends on the strain and the quality. Popular strains like Blue Dream might run your pockets a little deeper than per se; lesser-known strains Chocolate Cheesecake. This also depends on availability (supply + demand) and where it’s cultivated.

Finding the most reasonable and affordable prices on certain strains of cannabis or other cannabis products can be challenging, but thanks to Pearly Writes for doing the grunt work, we’re able to share how much a quarter of weed is in nine popular cities throughout the United States.

We’ve also highlighted some deals around each city to help you get a bang for your buck.

So, if you’re wondering how much is a q in weed price, this article has your queries covered.

How Much Is A Quarter Of Weed In Denver, CO

Photo by ROY SON

If you’re wondering how much is a quarter of zaza (another term for weed) in Denver, expect to pay around $54 and as low as $40 for recreational bud. Deals around town include:

  • Stash House: $40
  • Kaya Cannabis: $40
  • The Pig N Whistle: $41

How Much Is A Quarter Of Weed In Seattle, WA


In Seattle, a quarter of weed will sell for around $57 and as low as $52 for recreational use. Deals around town include:

  • Herban Legends: $52
  • Cannabis City: $52

How Much Is A Quarter Of Weed In Portland, OR

Photo by Go Next

In Portland, a quarter of weed will sell for around $53 and as low as $42 for recreational use. Deals around town include:

  • Stoney Only: $42
  • Floyd’s Fine Cannabis: $45
  • Oregon Grown: $47

How Much Is A Quarter Of Weed In Los Angeles, CA

Photo by Roberto Nickson / Pexels

In Los Angeles, a quarter of weed will sell for around $65 and as low as $44 for recreational use. Deals around town include:

  • The Pottery: $44
  • The Relief Collective: $55

How Much Is A Quarter Of Weed In San Francisco, CA

In San Francisco, a quarter of weed will sell for around $84 and as low as $65 for recreational use. Deals around town include:

  • Grass Roots Collective: $65
  • Medithrive: $69

How much is a half of zaza here? Prices can reach all the way up to $180.

How Much Is A Quarter Of Weed In Phoenix, AZ

Photo courtesy of Inspirato

How much does a quarter of weed cost in Phoenix? Usually as high as around $59 and as low as $55 for recreational use.

Deals around town include:

  • The Nirvana Center: $59
  • Nature’s Medicine: $55

How Much Is A Quarter Of Weed In Chicago, IL


In Chicago, a q of zaza will sell for around $90 and as low as $80 for recreational use.

And if you’re curious how much is a quarter of weed in dispensaries around town?

  • Columbia Care Dispensary: $80
  • MOCA: $90

How Much Is A Quarter Of Weed In Fort Collins, CO

Photo by River North / iStock

In Fort Collins, a quarter of weed will sell for around $61 and as low as $53 for recreational use. Deals around town include:

  • Aces Place: $53
  • LiveWell Enlightened Health: $53
  • Kind Care: $56

How Much Is A Quarter Of Weed In Las Vegas, NV

Photo by Pixabay / Pexels

How much is 1/4 of weed in Las Vegas? It’ll typically sell for around $84 and as low as $49 for recreational use. Deals around town include:

  • Cultivate Dispensary: $55
  • Canopi: $49
  • Silver Sage Wellness: $59

Is $70 for a quarter of weed good in this state? Depends if it’s truly top-shelf quality, but, in most cases, you’re being overcharged.

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