Photo by Chris Abatzis

How To Make A CBD-Infused Candle

Candle making is incredibly easy; here's how to spice it up with an added CBD boost.

It’s time to roll up your sleeves and get crafty. There are many cannabis-infused candles on the market, but not all of them come with your desired aroma or in a jar that matches your decor

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll break down how to create your own cannabis-infused candle to help you inhale that rich CBD goodness and other essential oils of your choice. 

It’s worth noting that cannabis candles do not get you high, but those made with CBD can emit the cannabinoid’s healing properties into the air to calm you down, relax you, and ease the mind. 

What You'll Need

Photo by Daniel Farò

  • A glass container, bowl, or jar of your choice (feel free to get creative and use unconventional or neat dishes available at the dollar store or thrift store)
  • Hemp wicks (you may need two wicks for one candle if it’s a large and wide container)
  • 1 lb. soy candle wax
  • Large Pot
  • Medium glass bowl
  • Hot glue gun
  • A skewer
  • Tape
  • Food Thermometer
  • CBD oil tincture + any aromatic essential oils (lavender, eucalyptus, etc.)

Photo by Kristine Isabedra


  1. Start by bringing a large pot of water to a boil, then gently place your medium glass bowl inside the pot without letting water overflow into the bowl.
  2. Add your soy candle wax into the glass bowl to melt on medium-low heat.
  3. While you’re waiting for it to melt, take the glass container, jar, or bowl you have chosen to place your candle in. Take your hot glue gun and glue one or two hemp wicks to the bottom (if it’s a wide dish, use two wicks). You want to make sure your wicks are as center as possible.
  4. Next, take your skewer and sit it across your dish to balance the wick(s) in the center. Using a little tape, stick the wick(s) to the skewer to stay balanced while pouring your wax.
  5. Now that your wax has finally melted, take your thermometer and wait until it’s roughly 120-140 degrees Fahrenheit. Once it reaches this temperature, add 1-3 droppers of a CBD tincture and 1 dropper of your chosen essential oil.
  6. Carefully pour the wax mixture into your prepared dish just until it’s about to touch the skewer.
  7. Remove the skewer and tape and let the candle sit and harden until it’s completely solid. Trim the wick down until it’s about half an inch above the wax, and spark it up.

This Koi CBD Tincture Is The Perfect Addition To Your CBD Candle

If you are looking for a quality CBD oil tincture that comes in five delicious flavors, Koi CBD Oil Tinctures are an excellent choice. Made with natural ingredients and premium-grade Koi broad-spectrum hemp extract, these tinctures are non-intoxicating and contain non-detectable levels of THC. Whether you take them orally or add them to your ‘home aromatherapy’, Koi CBD Oil Tinctures provide the body with a restorative experience. The Koi CBD oil tincture would be a great addition to use as a base for a CBD candle because it is a natural way to relieve stress and anxiety, and it can also help to improve your sleep quality.

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