Canadian Soldiers To Be Given "Weed Goggles" To Learn What It's Like To Be High

Canadian military spends $170,000 on “weed googles” so soldiers can learn what it’s like to be high

The simulation includes lessons in short-term memory loss, altered visual perception, and a slowed reaction time.

Beer goggles are old news. Now, be on the lookout for “weed goggles.” There’s no question being high on weed can meddle with your five senses but, up until now, there was no way to duplicate this experience without actually ingesting or smoking cannabis. The Canadian Armed Forces plans to invest $170,000 over the next five years for a contract with simulation creators that will allow their military to experience what it’s like to be high. 

According to reports, the purpose of the weed goggles is to “raise awareness of marijuana impairment, reduce risk of marijuana impairment and promote healthy lifestyles within the Canadian Armed Forces.” It seems like part of an effort to prevent the Canadian military cadets from smoking weed, especially with weed being on the brink of legalization in Canada.

Policy experts have expressed concern in the past about pot usage among armed soldiers before operating dangerous military equipment and gear.

General Chuck Lamarre told CBC news, “We’re concerned about how folks will be able to do their jobs. And we are concerned about folks operating heavy equipment, weaponry, who are on call on a regular basis to go and do things, like [search and rescue] technicians.”

The weed goggles are supposed to offer an experience of all the symptoms associated with smoking weed. The simulation includes lessons in short-term memory loss, altered visual perception, and slowed reaction time as well as slower decision making.  

A spokesman for the Department of National Defense, Dan Le Bouthellier, went on to say the weed goggles will be used in training for the Military Personnel Command course. “This will help ensure that CAF members in leadership positions will be able to identify signs of, assist in detecting and provide guidance regarding prohibited drug use,” he said.

My advice would be to go out and experience the sweet leaves of cannabis in real life versus donning a pair of weed goggles but, hey, that’s just me.

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