Porn & Pot: Turns Out Larry Flynt Is A Cannabis Hustler

Flynt believes the American Dream is gone along with people’s free will, having been destroyed by government and corporate interest, as he fights for legal cannabis.

The Los Angeles firm, Pineapple Express, works within cannabis consulting, technology, investments, and marijuana branding strategies. Flynt has revealed that his daughter is the brains behind the Hollywood Hustler retail line, and has been Vice President of Business Development for the cannabis company since December 2015. 

Porn Hustler puts his money to the cannabis trade

lf3 Looking Inside Colombia’s “Lost City Of Marijuana”
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After the large boom in marijuana legalization, Larry Flynt has pulled from his multi-million dollar investment of Hustler magazine to buy into the cannabis trade, having purchased $100,000 in stocks with the Pineapple Express trading company based out of Los Angeles.

In 2012, the top-dog porn publisher stated that he saw alcohol and pharmaceutical companies–among false American political control, corporate buy-outs, and prison industry scandals, being the cause for keeping marijuana down. Looking at his statement closely, it becomes easier to understand, how he – the rich himself – in a corporate Hollywood dynamic, is in tune with these people… however, albeit, the capitalistic society is largely to blame for the human War On Consciousness, with Flynt hitting a point of high regard for those who are pro-marijuana activist and users.

“Pharmaceutical companies don’t want people turning to pot for pain relief because it means they’ll be spending less on prescription pills. The alcohol industry doesn’t want the competition, either. With mounting scientific evidence that pot is safer than alcohol, legal marijuana would clearly put a major dent in the booze business’ profits. Private, for-profit prisons only make money if they’re full, and that means locking up weed growers and pot smokers.” Flynt’s statement, Hustler magazine.

Green for Green

lf4 Looking Inside Colombia’s “Lost City Of Marijuana”
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According to a 2015 cannabis industry report at New Frontier, the market will likely reach $23 billion in sales by 2020, a sure investment lending itself back to Flynt’s multi-million dollar porn-ring-piggy-bank.

Breaks in controversy

lf1 Looking Inside Colombia’s “Lost City Of Marijuana”
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Theresa Flynt says that she sees current legal issues with cannabis being much like that of the adult entertainment industry during its earliest controversial inception in print.

As time continues, it is a sure-fire bet that like the porn industry (and its swill of strange newcomers and iconoclastic Hollywood stars turned nude-up and lavish for the Americas) marijuana too will take its own place in the society as acceptable. It’s time we kick the crooked to the curb, and stop casting a blind eye on what we choose to do with our free rights, regardless of the rich buying in on the deal.

However, by and large, when the rich get a hand in, it is sure to make the turn, and this $23 billion dollar prospect isn’t going to be looking bad to a place that isn’t yet making it, all the more for the other states to consider jumping to task of legalization.

What are your thoughts on the new investments being made in the cannabis industry? Let us known on social media or in the comments below.

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