drug test

How To Flush Marijuana Out Of Your System

Sometimes it can be good to detox, and sometimes you have no choice because you really want that job you applied for and you know you’re going to be drug tested.

Sometimes it can be good to detox a bit and flush marijuana out of your system, and sometimes you have no choice because you really want that job you applied for and you know you’re going to be drug tested. Life’s rough, man. But although THC only stays in your system for a week, seven days exactly, passing a drug test can be more of a challenge for heavier smokers. However, there are ways to help you clean out your system, and it’s a good idea to brush up on the best ways to rid yourself of THC metabolites.

What are THC metabolites and what are drug screens looking for?

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Drug test screenings typically involve testing your urine for metabolites.

Now what are metabolites? I’m so glad you asked. Metabolites are a side effect of a substance after its already been processed by your body. In this case, the guys in the white coats are going to be looking out for the THC metabolites in your system, or in more scientific terms, THC-COOH.

In order to know if you are ready for a drug test, you need to be able to figure out the amount of THC metabolites in your system and also know what the testing levels are for your drug screen. I know this sounds complicated but I’ll explain a bit further.

How long does marijuana stay in your system?

pass drug test smoking skeleton How To Flush Marijuana Out Of Your System
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The half-life of THC metabolites is seven days. This means that every seven days, the amount of metabolites in your body will decrease by 50%. With this in mind, it can be assumed that your body will be rid of THC metabolites in about 3-4 weeks.

However, it’s super important to note that these numbers can also depend on how much you smoke, how often you smoke, and how much you weigh.

Since THC is fat-soluble, which is why cannabis is great for deliciously fattening edibles, it can easily be stored in your fatty lipid tissue. As a result of this, your fat cells will release the THC metabolites into your bloodstream at a continuous rate, which is certainly not a good thing.

But guess what? You can still pass a drug test without being 100% free of THC metabolites. Since you still need your levels to be below the minimum amount of metabolites for the test, with a typical threshold being 50 mg/mL (whatever that means,) your test results will be negative and you’ll be home free!

Now I’m sure you’re probably thinking, “I don’t care about THC metabolites! I just want to know how to pass a drug test!” Chill out because I’m about lay down the facts.

How to pass a drug test

pass drug test thc molecule How To Flush Marijuana Out Of Your System
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The basic method for passing a drug test is to dilute your urine just enough where, as I mentioned before, your levels will fall below the 50mg/ML limit.

There’s only one problem with that, though. The men in the white coats are keeping an eye out for fully diluted urine. Seriously, they know what you’re up to… With this in mind, you need to not only dilute your urine but to also cover up the fact that your urine is diluted. Ugh, talk about a catch-22.

You can use detox drinks and kits that will prevent diluted urine, but make sure they’re high-quality! A trusted brand is Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse, which offers a range of detox products depending on your needs.

So now you’re kind of annoyed because this kind of seems impossible? However, there are ways to mask diluted urine.

How to cover up diluted urine

There are several ways to dilute your urine. Hooray!

Let’s begin with water. Water is great for flushing out your system, but you shouldn’t feel the need to start chugging water weeks or days before your drug test. This only dilutes your urine for the time being so it’s pretty much a waste of time. This is where Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse, a fast-acting detox drink, can be a big help.

You’re better off drinking 3-4 liters of water throughout the day before you take your test, and then about 1.5-2 liters several hours before you leave to take your test. It’s important to know your limits, and really you should only be drinking a maximum of 2 liters. Note: drinking too much water can result in death, and that’s not the way you want to go out.

After drinking a lot of water, your urine will be colorless and have low amounts of creatine. This is good, no? Eh, not so much.

By having colorless urine as well as low levels of creatine, the men in the white coats can easily see that you are trying way too hard to clean out your system, and we don’t want any of that.

How to do all of this and STILL pass your drug test

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There are two important substances that can still help you pull off this whole shebang – Vitamin B and Creatine.

Vitamin B is important to take because it makes your urine yellow, therefore the men in the white coats won’t become suspicious. The most effective form of Vitamin B is either Vitamin B-2 or Vitamin B-12. It is recommended that you take 50-100 mg several hours before taking your drug test.

In addition to Vitamin B, creatine supplements can also help. Creatine, which is a chemical waste product that is already naturally in your body, can help the men in the white coats determine whether your urine is diluted or not.

Since creatine only has a half-life of three hours, you should take an above-average dose several hours before your test. You can find creatine supplements from any health food store, and as soon as creatine is broken down by your body, it will be completely flushed out of your system. Sweet.

But that’s not all folks. There are more ways to further guarantee that your system will be flushed of THC metabolites.

More tips for passing your drug test

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1. No exercise

Avoid exercise for at least 24 hours before your test. For some of us, this isn’t too hard to accomplish since exercise and the word “avoid” often go hand in hand. But for all you gym rats out there, it’s best to avoid exercising because working out will only cause your THC metabolite levels to shoot up, and again, we don’t want any of that.

2. Stream

When you’re peeing into the cup, you should only provide the urine from the ‘middle’ of your urine stream. This is important to note because the first and last parts of your urine stream have the highest amounts of those evil metabolites.

3. Detox drinks

Detox drinks can be helpful but they only help to dilute your urine, which as we know, isn’t enough to pass your test. However, detox drinks also contain B vitamins, as well as creatine, which help to hide the fact that your urine is diluted. The product helping people like you pass your test is Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse.

4. Synthetic urine

Its time is against you, don’t freak out. You can use synthetic urine. Look for a trusted brand, like Quick Luck Pre-Mixed Synthetic Urine, that is laboratory produced to effectively mimic a clean human sample. In fact, synthetic urine is one of the most common choices for those who are unsure how to flush marijuana out of your system.

I will leave you with a few notes. If you are a regular smoker or have a high level of fat, dilution may not be as effective and it may take longer to flush out your system. If this is the case, you can use the urine of a non-smoker but that’s on you if you choose to go down that road. Just know your facts and you should be just fine. Good luck!

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