420 apps

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5 Of The Best 420 Apps You Can’t Live Without

Cannabis and technology are a dream team of convenience and entertainment. These five 420 apps have you covered every day of the year.

Cannabis and technology are a dream team. From playing fun games to finding the best dispensary deals near you to learning about new strains to try, these five 420 apps have you covered on 420 and every other day of the year.

1. Budbo

budbo 5 Of The Best 420 Apps You Cant Live Without
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Budbo was designed from the perfect perspective: Yours. The result? A one-of-a-kind mobile application that allows you to quickly discover new strains, concentrates, and edibles like never before, all at your local dispensaries.

Budbo is your guide to finding new strains and concentrates at your local dispensaries. Choose “Puff” or “Pass” for more info, and dive into the effects and attributes of individual strains.

2. Hempire

Hempire The New hero 5 Of The Best 420 Apps You Cant Live Without
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Hempire is a story-driven strategy game with characters that represent the true culture, (and its favorite icons) rather than old stereotypes. With a dozen colorful characters and competition between friends online, players can compete or collaborate to build their own cannabis empire.

Celebrate 420 with the greatest new mobile game of 2017, and download Hempire for FREE on Apple from the App Store and Android on Google Play.

3. Nugg

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Nugg is the medical marijuana evaluation in California. With just a few clicks from the comfort of your own home, you meet face-to-face with a licensed medical practitioner.

Once you’ve signed up with Nugg, you use the same login to register for a medical marijuana evaluation on NuggMD. The two websites work together so medical cannabis is more accessible than ever.

4. Pot Farm

potfarm 5 Of The Best 420 Apps You Cant Live Without
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Pot Farm: Grass Roots has more than enough to keep any digital pot farmer thoroughly entertained. Design the ultimate grow-op, cultivate your favorite strains while defending them from mites, then sell to buyers – including your own real-world friends.

Play Pot Farm: Grass Roots now on Android or Bud Farm: Grass Roots on iOS. Check out the East Side Games website for more info on Pot Farm’s various mobile spin-off titles.

5. Eaze

Join Eaze hero 5 Of The Best 420 Apps You Cant Live Without
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Eaze is super easy to use, boasts an outstanding selection, and in many California cities they guarantee 20-minute delivery times.

New patients scan an image of their driver’s license and physician’s recommendation. Somebody at Eaze will verify your paperwork within the hour to clear you for ordering. Once you’re verified, it’s time to browse the extensive Eaze menu.

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