30 Best Questions To Think About While High

Smoking weed makes people a lot more profound than usual. After a few hits of that sticky icky, you never know what thoughts will pop into your head.


After a few hits of that good weed, you never know what sort of thoughts will pop into your head. When pot smokers get high, they tend to be a lot more profound than usual. Whether they’re talking about a tv show or their favorite strain, plenty of thought goes into each conversation. In fact, stoners come up with some of the most interesting things to say. And with each subject comes questions. Ones that even non-tokers will ponder over for hours. To get those wheels turning, here are the 12 best questions to think about while high.


  1. Why do doctors leave when they’re going to see you naked anyway?giphy 30 Best Questions To Think About While High

What’s the point? They might as well just stay right where they are.


  1. If you have braces and die, will they bury you with them still on?

Think about it. Are the braces removed beforehand? Or, do they just leave them on your teeth? Someone, please confirm.


  1. If parents say “Don’t talk to strangers,” then how do you ever make friends?giphy 21 30 Best Questions To Think About While High

Everyone is a stranger until you take the time to get to know them. So then why do parents tell their kids not to talk to them?


  1. Which armrest at the movie theater is yours?

Is it the left? Or, is it the right? Maybe both, perhaps?


  1. If you are bald, then what hair color do they put on your license?giphy 3 30 Best Questions To Think About While High

You could always tell them your natural hair color. But then again, how would someone know it’s really your natural color? Explain, please.


  1. If you don’t have a left hand, can you still say that you smoke left-handed cigarettes?

In case you didn’t know, a “left-handed cigarette” is another word for joint. But without a left hand, can you call it such a thing? 


  1. Can you daydream at night?

giphy 4 30 Best Questions To Think About While High

It may sound stupid, but seriously. Can you daydream at night, or nah? And if not, what do you call it? Latenightdream? Hey, that kind of sounds like it should be a strain.


  1. If they call it quicksand, then why does it work so slowly?

The more you struggle, the quicker you sink. In that case, wouldn’t “youmightsinksand” be more appropriate? If you’re giving this some serious thought, then that’s how you know you’re high.


  1. Why do they sterilize lethal injections?

giphy 5 30 Best Questions To Think About While High

If they’re going to die, then why even bother cleaning the equipment? Now that’s a question that will make you want to take a drag from your Magic Flight Launch Box.


  1. If someone is short, then can they still “talk down” to a person if they’re tall?

Or should it be called “talking up” to someone?


  1. Why are all of the Harry Potter spells in Latin if they’re English?

giphy 6 30 Best Questions To Think About While High

It’s LeviOsa, not LeviosAR!


  1. Do pigs pull their hamstrings?

Don’t lie; you chuckled a little at this one.


  1. If our universe is constantly expanding, what is it expanding into?giphy1 30 Best Questions To Think About While High

An age-old question about the nature of the cosmos that takes a new perspective when discussed under the influence of cannabis.


  1. Why do we say we ‘fall’ asleep when, technically, we’re not falling?

This question offers an interesting dive into the colloquial expressions we use every day without much thought.


  1. If two mind readers are reading each other’s minds, whose mind are they really reading?giphy 23 30 Best Questions To Think About While High

 A fun, perplexing question that could lead to some truly philosophical discussions about consciousness and perception.


  1. How did the person who invented the clock know what time it was?

A whimsical query about the concept of time and its measurement.


  1. Why do ‘fat chance’ and ‘slim chance’ mean the same thing?giphy 31 30 Best Questions To Think About While High

This question highlights the idiosyncrasies and paradoxes of the English language.


  1. If you could go back in time and warn yourself about something, would ‘past you’ listen to ‘future you’?

This question brings up issues of trust, hindsight, and the human tendency to learn from mistakes.


  1. If we try to fail and succeed, which one did we do?

giphy 51 30 Best Questions To Think About While High

A riddle-like question that’s sure to provoke some interesting debate during your cannabis sesh.


  1. Can animals have accents?

A fun and thought-provoking query about animal communication and regional variation.


  1. Why do we call it ‘taking a dump’ when we are actually leaving it?giphy 61 30 Best Questions To Think About While High

A humorous question that highlights the peculiarity of English idioms.


  1. If the FBI breaks your door down do they have to pay for it?

A legal conundrum that’s sure to provoke some heated discussion and potentially even some legal googling.


  1. Do sign language interpreters get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?giphy 7 30 Best Questions To Think About While High

An exploration of the physical consequences of professional sign language interpretation.


  1. Why are pizza boxes square when pizzas are round?

A question that brings to the fore the mismatch between the shape of products and their packaging.


  1. What if our dreams are just glimpses into parallel universes?giphy 8 30 Best Questions To Think About While High

Every night, we venture into different scenarios, meet different people, and sometimes even become different versions of ourselves. Could it be that these dreams are actual occurrences in parallel universes?


  1. Why are pizza boxes square when the pizza inside is a circle?

In a world that appreciates efficiency, why do we have square pizza boxes for circular pizzas? Wouldn’t a circular box make more sense and save on packaging material?


  1. If we’re made up of about 60% water, are we half mermaid?giphy 9 30 Best Questions To Think About While High

Considering the significant amount of water that makes up the human body, is it scientifically accurate to consider ourselves semi-aquatic beings, or better yet, part mermaid?


  1. What do cats and dogs see when they watch TV?

Pets sometimes seem engrossed in the television, but what exactly are they perceiving? Do they understand the events taking place, or is it just an array of moving colors and shapes to them?


  1. Is there a designated process to name new colors that we discover?giphy 10 30 Best Questions To Think About While High

We know that new elements get their names from mythology, scientists, and sometimes even their properties. But when we discover a new color, who gets to name it, and based on what?


  1. Can a vegetarian eat an animal cracker?

Sure, this might seem like a silly question, but when you think about it, isn’t an animal cracker shaped like an animal still representative of that animal? So, do the principles of vegetarianism apply here or not?

Wraping up this entertaining collection of questions, we hope you’ll use them as a springboard for lively and interesting conversations in your next smoke sesh. These stoner thoughts, regardless of whether they lead to profound insights or simply bouts of laughter, are the very essence of what makes a cannabis sesh so uniquely enjoyable.

From pondering over language paradoxes to contemplating cosmic conundrums, it’s the rich diversity of topics that make these sessions memorable. And whether you’re sampling a CBD product, using a bong, or sharing a joint with friends, each question can transform an ordinary gathering into an extraordinary discussion.

So next time you find yourself lighting up, remember to bring along a couple of these questions. They’re your ticket to engaging chats, light-hearted debates, and possibly even a few jaw-dropping revelations. 

If you’re interested in reading more content, please enjoy these articles below. 



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