Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga Gets High In Her Grandpa’s Car In Her New Netflix Documentary

Lady Gaga’s new documentary is coming to Netflix this month. In case you haven’t caught the wild trailer for Gaga: Five Foot Two yet, we’ve got ya covered.

Are you gaga over Lady Gaga? If so, then it’s time to get hype you little monsters. As it turns out, Lady Gaga’s new documentary is coming to Netflix this month. And in true Gaga fashion, it’s going to be pretty damn raw. Not only will you get to see the American singer buying her own album at Walmart, but also smoking on some Mary Jane in her grandpa’s car. Needless to say, this film is a must-see for fans who want an up close and personal look into Gaga’s world. In case you haven’t caught the wild trailer for Gaga: Five Foot Two yet, we’ve got ya covered. Be sure to check it out in the video below.

Gaga: Five Foot Two

Brace yourselves, little monsters. Coming to Netflix on September 22nd is Lady Gaga’s new documentary Gaga: Five Foot Two. And it’s going to be lit.

In fact, folks already cannot stop talking about it, and it hasn’t even released yet. But when it comes to Gaga, people can’t help themselves. She’s only one of the most real celebs around. So yeah, you can expect the same from the film, which is to come with zero filters.

Aside from Gaga getting high in her grandpa’s car and purchasing her own album at Walmart, the documentary also includes more serious moments, like her ongoing battle with chronic pain.

The goal of Gaga: Five Foot Two is not to show you how perfect Gaga’s life is, but rather to let her fans know that like them, she has her struggles, too. And because of that, she’s giving all you little monsters an up close and personal look into the life of Gaga. So buckle up, fans, it’s going to be one wild ride.

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