The 10 Best Stash Products To Hide Your Weed At Home

The 10 best products for hiding your weed at home

Keep your bud safe from parents, sketchy roommates, and nosy landlords.

It seems like there’s always someone wanting to kill your buzz. Whether it’s because of parents, mooching roommates, or a nosy landlord, hiding your stash is a prudent idea. Here are the best products to help you do that.

1. Wall Clock Hidden Safe

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This is one of the sneakiest products for hiding weed because it’s a functional clock. It operates on one AA battery, not included. The internal safe has two shelves. It retails for $14.00.

2. Romulan Ale Diversion Safe

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This one’s perfect for the Star Trek geek who wants to hide their stash in plain sight. Made from an actual Roman Ale energy drink can, it includes a secret compartment for your weed. It retails for $19.95.

3. Fire Extinguisher Security Container

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The stealth storage space inside this “fire extinguisher” measures about 5.5″ x 2.75″ (perfect to fit something like the Flowermate V5S with the rest of your stash). It unscrews from both the top and the bottom. It’s one of the best stash products around as no one will ever think to tinker with it. It retails for $37.49.

4. Dictionary Book Safe

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It appears to be “The New English Dictionary,” but it’s actually a secret stash with an internal lock. Lock it up and put it on the shelf with your real books. It retails for $8.59.

5. Hairbrush Diversion Safe

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This ordinary-appearing black and magenta hairbrush contains a small stealth stash inside. It retails for $17.75.

6. Toilet Brush Diversion Safe

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Who wants to mess with your toilet brush? Right, and that’s why it’s one of the best stealth stash products available. It contains a small storage compartment inside. It retails for $17.95.

7. Pringles Stash Can Diversion Safe

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This realistic Pringles can has a bottom which unscrews to reveal a secret compartment. It also produces a realistic sound when shaken, because it comes with real chips inside. It retails for $11.32.

8. Door Stop Diversion Safe

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This dark brown doorstop is made of rubber. It features a snug-fitting black plastic bottom cover which reveals a small stash compartment. It’s not suitable for high-traffic doors or kicking around. It retails for $16.95.

9. Spam Can Diversion Safe

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This Spam can has a removable bottom which reveals the stash compartment. It should be relatively safe in your pantry. After all, who the hell wants Spam? It retails for $14.99.

10. Toilet Paper Diversion Safe

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This functional toilet paper roll holder keeps your stash hidden in plain sight. The hiding area is 6″ long. An airtight container fits inside (a great place to keep your Jane West Onesie safe). How many stash-thieves are gonna check your toilet paper roll holder? This item must be included on any list of the best stealth stash products. It retails for $16.84.

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