Cat Piss Weed; Cat Piss Cannabis Strain; Cat Piss Sativa Marijuana Strain

Cat Piss Marijuana Strain

Cat Piss may have a disgusting name and aroma, but this strain provides one upbeat, energizing high. Great for the morning, Cat Piss is all smiles and joy.

Cat Piss may have a disgusting name and aroma, but this strain provides one upbeat, energizing high. Great for the morning, this herb is all smiles and joy.


Cat Piss Experience

Cat Piss originated as a clone-only phenotype of Super Silver Haze, which is one of the most popular Sativas around.

While the effects of some Sativas can be compared to a morning cup of coffee, this strain is more like a shot of espresso. The high from this strain is cerebral, buzzy, and focused. If you’re looking to get things done, this flower can help.

This strain is quite potent, often featuring up to 20% THC. Less potent samples are appropriate for novice to moderate consumers.


Traits of Cat Piss and Cat Piss Seeds

Love it or hate it, this bud is attention-grabbing. The pungent flower was named after it’s unique scent, which is oddly similar to ammonia, and, well, a little like cat piss. Real marijuana connoisseurs will be able to detect some undertones and sweetness and pine lurking below.

The name and the fragrance combined may send a few canna-curious individuals running. Cat owners may even be a little sick of the scent, never mind volunteering to add more of it to their lives. That would be a mistake, however, as this strain does provide a very energizing Sativa high.


Medical Benefits of Cat Piss

Medical marijuana patients probably aren’t expecting this herb to lift their spirits, but the energetic buzz of this Sativa offers a number of therapeutic and mood-boosting effects.

  • Many medical cannabis patients pick up this strain for relief from mental health conditions. These include anxiety, depression, and chronic stress
  • Despite the unappetizing name, this strain can be an effective way to manage lack of appetite thanks to its powerful, munchy inducing effects
  • This strain is also popular for relief from nausea and vomiting
  • Fair warning, those sensitive to Sativas may find this strain anxiety-provoking

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