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Hemp seeds: a nutritional titan.
Hand-trimming is a traditional technique with impressive results. Learn why the experts make the extra effort in this artful video from DOJA.
Does weed make you twitch? Here's what might be happening and how to stop it.
In need of some serious laughter? These seven strains are sure to make you laugh your ass off, especially if you’re in good company.
CBD topicals have incredible benefits for the skin from anti-aging to anti-inflammatory properties. Make yourself some in the comfort of home with our recipe.
Cannabis has been a part of human life for over 10,000 years. Here’s why we have cannabinoid receptors in the brain and body, and what they mean for overall health.
Why is Malana Cream the of the most expensive hash products on Amsterdam Coffee Shop menus?
Weed labels can be pretty confusing. Let's decode them together.
You’ll be lucky if you can get your hands on these rare weed strains.
Do our furry friends get high? Animals on weed can be harmless, or harmful, depending on the dose.
Looking into how to decarboxylate herbs like cannabis so you can make weed-infused treats.
The more weed you smoke, the higher you'll get, right? Well, to a point, anyway.
Pink marijuana is a real eye-looker.
Growing cannabis seeds can be incredibly rewarding. Our step-by-step guide has all the info you need, from seed selection to storage.
Have you ever wondered why cannabis makes you feel so parched? We have the answer, plus three hacks to keep cottonmouth at bay.
White mold on buds? Time to thoroughly inspect.
Have you ever wondered what causes cannabis tolerance? This study explains everything. The good news? It doesn’t take long for recovery to begin.
Should you use hot or cold water in bongs?