Alex Green / Pexels

Twitching When High? Here’s What Might Be Happening

Does weed make you twitch? Here's what might be happening and how to stop it.

Ever smoke a joint or two and suddenly, your legs or eyes start to twitch?

It isn’t terribly uncommon for weed smokers or cannabis consumers to experience the weed shakes following a session.

Are these twitches the fault of your wee, or is something else happening? This article covers why you may experience twitching when you get high.

Muscle Twitching When High

Cottonbro Studio / Pexels

Is it normal to twitch when high?

Twitching or the “shakes” refers to involuntary muscle tremors and twitching while high. No formal studies have been conducted on this phenomenon, though.

Rather, a wealth of anecdotal reports identified the shakes as a fairly common experience among cannabis users- new and experienced alike. Here’s an example from a BlueLight forum:

At first legs would start to twitch. Then, on enough weed, the whole body would begin to twitch. At any one time, I could stop the twitching if I wanted to, but it felt more comfortable to move around and twitch than to stay still. It was pretty annoying, but not terribly so. In order to prevent it, I used to take hot baths before/while smoking. It relaxes the muscles a lot and pretty much prevents twitching. After a while it went away by itself. Not sure why. Don’t get it anymore. Maybe one of the two types of weed? Maybe body just got used to dealing with it. – TokyoHigh

Another user in a forum explains:

I got the twitching for the first time a while back (after getting very, very high), and it kinda scared me. Really quite bad in my legs and arms, for about 15 minutes. Uncontrollable. Very strange. Can’t say much more besides I’ve been there before, but if anyone has an explination for that, I’m all ears… – Bear

Not everyone will experience this, but it’s typically a sign that you’ve consumed a little too much THC.

The cannabis herb is non-toxic, and an “overdose” is not going to cause serious damage. However, smoking a little too much does have some odd short-term side effects in some people. And, twitching after smoking weed is one of them.

Fortunately, these spasms are only temporary. They often last for just seconds, yet you can experience them for up to half an hour or so.

Why Do I Twitch When I Get High

Zohre Nemati / Unsplash

Though no research has been done on what actually causes these tremors, we can make some educated guesses.

These types of tremors are often correlated with anxiety. For those prone to anxiety while using cannabis, THC can be very stimulating. A little too much stimulation of the central nervous system may be the culprit.

THC interacts with cannabinoid receptors, which also have an impact on motor control. Alterations in the way your neurons communicate could lead to the involuntary movements or twitching you experience when high.

It’s important to mention that cannabis actually reduces tremors and muscle spasms in some diagnosed with certain medical conditions. Symptoms of Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis, for example, can be greatly reduced with cannabis treatment.

Twitching While High: Other Factors

Photo by Vinh Chế / Pexels

You’re more likely to experience the shakes in certain situations. For example, if you’re smoking with some new people and you’re feeling a little nervous, there’s a good chance that you might become a little shaky. Large amounts of THC can increase an anxiety response in some people. This anxiety response is heightened if you’re already in an anxious state.

Social anxiety or paranoia + increased central nervous system stimulation = greater likelihood of twitching and tremor.

Mixing cannabis with tobacco or excessive amounts of caffeine can also trigger muscle tremors. Both substances are also central nervous system stimulants. When your nervous system is too stimulated, you may experience uncomfortable, anxiety symptoms.

Cold weather or feeling chilly might be to blame as well. Cannabis lowers your body temperature. When you’re cold, you’re more likely to feel colder and begin to tremble after smoking cannabis.

Using CBD To Stop Muscle Spasms When High

CRYSTALWEED cannabis / Pexels

Most people who experience the shakes ore those that use products with high THC, which is a brain-stimulating cannabinoid. One of the best ways to either counteract or avoid experiencing the shakes is to use CBD products. CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, which means that it won’t stimulate your brain, potentially causing the shakes. Instead, CBD mellows you out and lets you relax.

Best CBD Products For The Weed Shakes

CBD Hemp Flower: Sour Space Candy Hybrid by Botany Farms

This hybrid is highly recognized for its sticky, dense buds filled with astringent berry smells and pink stigmas. Get some and experience the fruity aromas and earthy undertones of this premium hemp flower. The best thing about it, it’s gonna leave you calm and relaxed. Hemp flower has the same uses as regular marijuana flower but has virtually no THC. So you can roll up a joint, light up your bong, or bake it into an edible and get the amazing soothing sensations without worrying about the shakes.

CBD Gummies: five™ Full-Spectrum CBD + THC Gummies

CBD gummies are a delicious way to get your CBD dose and fight off the shakes and get into a chill mood. If you want the best ones out there, go with these full-spectrum gummies from five™. They not only feature CBD, they are also packed with other minor cannabinoids and terpenes that enhance their relaxing effects and provide a way more enjoyable and chill experience.

What Do I Do If I Get The Shakes?

Sam Carter / Unsplash

There are a few simple things you can do to help ease tremors once they get going. Here are a few of them:

  • Stand up and move your body
  • Go outside for some fresh air, and focus your attention on your new environment
  • Warm up with a blanket, a hot shower, or bath
  • Move to a more comfortable environment

Though the shakes may be concerning when you first experience them, they’re nothing to be frightened about. They will go away on their own. Experimenting with cannabis in a safe, comforting environment can help you avoid the uncomfortable twitches. Know that if you consumed a lot of stimulants beforehand, you’re more likely to feel shaky.

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