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Whether you are trying to avoid the wrath of your landlord, hotel smoking regulations or your parents’ disapproval this is how to smoke weed inside without getting caught.
Whether you are trying to avoid the wrath of your landlord, hotel smoking regulations or just the disapproval of your parents, marijuana enthusiasts have wondered how to smoke weed inside without getting caught since before you could google “how to smoke weed inside without getting caught.” There are a few different techniques—most of which involve using a bong and blowing the smoke out the window, into a towel or through a cardboard tube stuffed with dryer sheets. But not every weed smoker likes or owns a bong. Moreover, we think there’s a classier way to smoke weed inside.
Some people call this technique the “Jamaican” or “Hawaiian” hot box. All you need to smoke weed at home without getting caught is a shower and a bathroom with a window or vent.
There are tons of ways you can go about smoking weed indoors and hiding its signature scent (which we cover below). But, for those wanting to learn the classic “Jamaican” hot box method, here it is.
Follow these steps below to conceal the smell of weed:
Step 1: Bring your usual shower supplies (a towel, a change of clothes, etc.) into the bathroom with you, along with your weed and a smoking device. While you can use a bong or pipe, joint smokers will be glad to know that the shower method works best with a joint, because they’re small, discrete, and leave no evidence.
Step 2: Cram your towel into the crack beneath your door, so that no smoke can leave the bathroom.
Step 3: Turn your shower on full blast, so that the water is as hot as possible. If your shower has a door, keep it open. The objective here is to generate as much steam as possible until your bathroom resembles the inside of a steam room.
Step 4: Once your bathroom is sufficiently steamy, it’s time to spark your joint (or pipe, bong, etc.) The smoke will convolve with the steam, neutralizing the smell. Once you’ve finished your joint, flush the roach down the toilet.
Step 5: Now it’s time to open the bathroom window or turn on the vent, allowing the steam/smoke to billow out of the bathroom.
Step 6: For extra precaution, hop in the shower quickly to scrub any remaining smell of marijuana off your body. This may seem like overkill, but if you want to smoke weed inside without getting caught, cleanliness is a small price to pay. This will also give time for the steam to exit through the window. Once all of the steam/smoke has cleared, close the window and exit the bathroom victorious.
Besides the infamous bathroom ritual, how do you get rid of the weed smell indoors? There are several other methods you can lean on, starting with classically lighting up some incense or candles.
Strong-scented candles, incense, or essential oil diffusers can work wonders in masking that telltale aroma. Scents like nag champa, sandalwood, and citrus do a solid job of covering up the evidence. Just don’t go overboard—turning your place into a cinnamon-scented crime scene is just as suspicious. Then again, if you have to choose between your living room smelling like a dispensary or a rogue Cinnabon, the latter is probably the safer bet.
DIY time: Grab an empty toilet paper roll, stuff it with dryer sheets, and exhale your smoke through it. As the smoke passes through the sheets, they absorb and neutralize the weed odor, replacing that signature skunky scent with something closer to freshly dried laundry. It’s not foolproof, but it definitely helps cut down on the lingering smell.
Toasting spices isn’t just for upping your cooking game—it’s also a clever way to cover up lingering weed smell. Toss some cumin, cloves, or cinnamon sticks into a dry pan over medium heat and let the natural oils release their intense aroma. Within minutes, your kitchen will smell like a cozy spice market instead of a freshly lit joint.
Burning popcorn is the nuclear option for covering up weed smell—effective, but not exactly pleasant. If you’re in a pinch, toss a bag in the microwave and let it go a few seconds too long. That unmistakable scorched scent will overpower just about anything, including weed smoke.
If things are getting sketchy fast, a few spritzes of a bold cologne or body spray (think Axe or Old Spice) can distract from the weed smell. Sure, your place might end up smelling like a middle school locker room, but that’s still better than letting the unmistakable scent of weed settle in for the long haul.
Smoking indoors without getting caught is all about strategy—and a little creativity. Whether you’re hotboxing your bathroom like a pro, masking the smell with incense, or going full chaos mode with burnt popcorn, there’s always a way to keep things low-key. The key is to be proactive, ventilate well, and have a backup plan (or two) in case the scent lingers.
Stay smart, stay fresh, and most importantly—enjoy your smoke sesh in peace.
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