Flying Dutchman

Spliffigami: How To Make A Flying Dutchman

If you ever wanted to be a pirate, then this is the joint smoking device for you! Able to burn 7 joints at once: I give you the Flying Dutchman.

If you ever wanted to be a pirate, then this is the joint smoking device for you! A ship that rides on the clouds, this device can burn 7 joints at once: I give you the Flying Dutchman.

Step 1: Hull of the Flying Dutchman

Cut out 2 foot-long-or-longer arched shapes from cardboard. To draw it out, you can use a rectangle, and extend one side out half the length of the rectangle to a single point, then draw curved arches from the end of the rectangle to the point. This will give you the basic hull shape. Now take one of the pieces and cut about a quarter of the length off of the square end. The shorter piece will be your base, the longer one your deck.

Now take one of the pieces and cut about a quarter of the length off of the square end. The shorter piece will be your base, the longer one your deck.

Step 2: Posts

Cut three identical posts of 3-4 inches in height from rigid plastic straws. Use poster putty to position the three posts on the larger hull piece, so that there are 2 at the flat end, and one in the middle towards the pointed end. Keep them an inch from the edges, and put the smaller hull piece on top. The third post should be an inch behind the tip of the shorter hull point. Use putty to secure the posts to this part as well.

Step 3: Sides

Cut 2 strips of poster board paper. Make one side the length of the short hull piece’s curved side, and the other side the length of the longer hull piece’s curved side. Measuring with string is easiest. Assemble these pieces on the sides of the ship, using tape to seal the edges. Then cut and fit another piece on the back end of the ship.

Step 4: Masts

You will put 4 holes in the ship.

  • 1 at the prow, or nose of the ship
  • 2 where the masts will go
  • 1 in the back panel

The masts you will make out of plastic straws of normal diameter. Cut and fit as you would a basic cross joint. Insert a thicker straw post (like your support beams) into the back to inhale from.

Step 5: Start rolling joints

Hopefully, while you were constructing the ship, a friend was rolling all the joints needed. If not, then you have more work to do.

Place the Dutch Tulip on the prow of the ship, with the joints on the masts, and you have yourself a Flying Dutchman, ladies and gentlemen. Go sail the High Seas with ease.

What party contraptions have you designed for getting the ultimate smoking experience? Are multi-joint devices amazing, or a waste? Share with us on social media or in the comments below.

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