10 Things That Weirdly Smell Like Weed


Have you ever been out in public and swore that you smell marijuana? Did you realize that it could be something else, other than your beloved herb? Cannabis has that unique and potent smell that is ever so pleasant and far different than any scent out there. While nothing quite beats taking a whiff of some good weed, there are some things out there that have a similar scent. Here are 10 other things that smell just like weed.

1. Cleome AKA Spider Flower

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Cleome is a flower that actually looks like marijuana, particularly the leaves. It smells just like cannabis with a splash of mint.

2. Skunk Cabbage

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There’s no hiding the smell from this particular plant. Skunk Cabbage smells just like skunk once it starts to bloom. People often associate the strong smell with the scent of cannabis

3. Malin + Goetz Cannabis Perfume Oil

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Malin Goetz

This oil blends scents like fig, sandalwood, pepper, and patchouli in order to form a cannabis-like scent. There’s no actual cannabis in the oil, but it’s supposedly the next best thing as far as smells go.

4. Beer

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Elevate / Pexels

That’s right, beer can sometimes smell just like weed. It’s a fact that hops and cannabis have similar properties of taste and smell.

5. Axe “Touch” Spray

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Maybe it’s because this is what you commonly use to try and hide the smell of weed in your room, or maybe it does indeed smell like pot. Nevertheless, some say that the Axe Touch spray smells similar to weed.

6. Moss Phlox

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A couple actually got accused of growing cannabis in their home because of this plant. Moss phlox gives off a strong cannabis-like scent, so strong that people will stop by and ask for some.

7. Marijuana Candle

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Photo credit

The Stinky Candle Company makes candles that smell just like pot. Yes, that’s the actual name of the company that makes the Marijuana Scented Candle, which is said to smell like a burning joint. For just $10, your home can be filled with a relaxing and potent aroma.

8. Skunk

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Unfortunately, some say marijuana smells like a skunk. While cannabis can have a skunk-like scent, it’s definitely no where close to the horrific and disgusting stench you get from a stinky skunk.

9. Washington D.C.

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Samad Ismayilov / Pexels

According to a Washington Post poll, 57% of its residents say that they can smell marijuana at least once a month. It’s no surprise, being that several residents of the area supports the legalization of marijuana. Residents of Washington, D.C. continue to fight for cannabis to be removed from the federal government’s most serious drug category.

10. Body odor

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Oddly enough, people have actually claimed that their body odor smells just like marijuana. One possibility is that the smell is a result of consuming other plants. No studies currently suggest that if you smoke weed, you can smell it in your sweat. Some individuals swear by it, though.


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