After spending a third of his life in prison over marijuana, Jeff Mizanskey was finally released from jail, and the video is very emotional as expected.
The Jeff Mizanskey story is one that is tough to swallow. If you are unaware of the story, he was arrested after a sting operation at a Super 8 motel in Missouri in 1993. Because he had three non-violent marijuana convictions, Mizanskey was sentenced to life in prison. If that doesn’t make you cringe, we don’t know what will.
While in prison, Mizanskey proved that he did not belong in prison whatsoever. Out of nearly 22 years of being locked away, his only two write-ups were for putting mail in the wrong slot, and one for a messy cell floor.
However, Governor Jay Nixon commuted his sentence along with five other non-violent drug offenders and stated the following:
“In the case of the commutation, my action provides Jeff Mizanskey with the opportunity to demonstrate that he deserves parole,” Nixon stated.
Mizanskey did just that, and had a lot of support behind him – and for good reason (obviously). Tuesday marked a special day as Mizanskey was finally released from prison after being held in prison for a third of his life. Let that sink in. A third of his life was wasted in prison because of an unjustified cruel marijuana conviction.
Watch the emotional and touching video below and see Mizanskey’s reaction when he is finally able to be a free man again. Congratulations Jeff Mizanskey, we are so glad to see you finally released! We are sorry that you had to endure such a cruel sentencing, but you have added fuel to the fire for changing insensible cannabis policies.
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