Cannabis Roasted Almonds

This simple, healthy, and infused snack could be the quick pick-me-up your busy day needs.


-Large cookie sheet

-Parchment paper

-Large saucepan

-1 Mixing bowl


  • 3 cups raw, natural almonds

  • 2 tbsp cannabutter (or infused oil)

  •  ¼ cup honey

  • ½ tbsp sea salt

  • OPTIONAL: sugar or sugar cane (to sprinkle along with the salt)


    1. Pour your almonds evenly on a large cookie sheet lined with parchment paper.

    1. Place the cookie sheet into a cold oven DO NOT PREHEAT

    2. Set the oven to 350° with almonds inside, and cook for 10-15 minutes (shaking every 5 minutes).

    3. Once those are done and out of the oven, put the Cannabutter and honey into a large saucepan.

    4. Bring to a boil and add almonds, stirring until all liquid has been absorbed into the nuts. (about 3-5 minutes)

    5. Once you’ve taken almonds off the flame, transfer to mixing bowl and begin coating your nuts (giggity) by sprinkling the salt (and sugar/sugarcane if you wish) over the almonds and toss until evenly distributed.  


    Edible Prep

    You can split these up for your weekly intake or throw them in a bowl and have a great time with your friends. When the nuts have cooled make sure to store them in an airtight container to preserve their freshness and shelf life. 

    These little treats should last you about a week if you eat about a half cup per day. With the most expensive ingredient being the Cannabutter, this recipe should definitely be cost-effective and an affordable venture. With a prep time of just a couple of minutes and a cooking time of about 20, you could easily have these candied delights in about 25 minutes time. 

    Some of you might have cringed when you saw the sugar, but remember, sugar cane is a more pure alternative to processed sugar. If that isn’t enough to convince you, these almonds pack more than enough flavor with the honey, but if you wanted to spice things up a bit you could always add some cinnamon or maple syrup.

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