
6 Easy Hacks To Smoke Weed Every Day And Stay Productive

From limiting your consumption to storing your ganja correctly, here are six ways to smoke weed every day and stay productive at the same time.

The great Snoop Dogg once said to smoke weed every day. But won’t that make you lazy? The truth is hell to the no. As it turns out, you can smoke pot seven days a week and still get shit done. Of course, blazing 24 hours a day will probably have you couch locked. But there’s plenty you can do to make it so that you can spark up and still handle business as usual. From limiting your consumption to storing your ganja correctly, here are 6 ways to smoke weed every day and stay productive at the same time.

1. Use cannabinoid and terpene profiles to determine the type of high

terpes 6 Easy Hacks To Smoke Weed Every Day And Stay Productive
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Knowing the cannabinoid and terpene content of a strain can help you figure out what type of high you’ll get, which is essential if you want to avoid being in severe stuck mode.

Keep in mind that straight sativas and indicas can be hard to come across. In fact, most of what’s out there are hybrids, which contain a vast number of inconsistent characteristics that are passed down from their parents. In other words, just because it looks like a sativa, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not Indica-dominant.

2. Don’t smoke yourself into a weed coma

10 reasons sleep 6 Easy Hacks To Smoke Weed Every Day And Stay Productive
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It’s best to experiment with dosage and find out what works for you. The key is to start off small. Perhaps you can limit your use during the day and save those intense sessions for night time only. But be sure not to experiment with dosing too often, and be patient between hits as THC takes roughly an hour to reach maximum concentration in the blood. By taking back to back hits, your THC levels will collect, and the effects will be more extreme.

3. Educate yourself about how terpenes and cannabinoids work

cannabinoids 6 Easy Hacks To Smoke Weed Every Day And Stay Productive
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So, information on terpenes, cannabinoids, and how they work together may be limited. But it still doesn’t hurt to read up on whatever you can find so that you can understand a little better how they produce certain effects.

To learn more about cannabinoids, check out this article for info on the top 10 and what they do.

4. Consider using extracts during the day

jh concentrate 6 Easy Hacks To Smoke Weed Every Day And Stay Productive
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See that lovely photo of cannabis extract above? That would be Jack Herer, a strain known to boost energy and productivity. There are many types of extracts that produce uplifting effects, but live resin is said to do so more than others. As long as the extract has all the right terpenes, you should be good to go. But that’s not to say extracts are for everyone.

If you’ve never purchased such a product before, then have a look at our beginner’s guide to buying cannabis extracts and dabs.

5. Try vaping

5 Ways To 5 6 Easy Hacks To Smoke Weed Every Day And Stay Productive
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For the most part, people who have tried vaping cannabis say that the high is more clean and clear with fewer sedative effects. Unlike smoking weed, a vaporizer only uses enough heat to evaporate terpenes and cannabinoids, but not enough to burn them. In fact, it’s been said that vaporizing is the healthiest way to consume the herb. So rather than sparking a pipe or bong, try vaping instead to avoid the drowsiness and harmful toxins that come from smoking.

6. Keep your pot away from sunlight and heat

What Is The hero 6 Easy Hacks To Smoke Weed Every Day And Stay Productive
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Believe it or not, stashing away your goods the wrong way can cause the THC content to degrade to CBN or cannabinol, which is no good if you’re trying to stay focused. To keep this from happening, do not store your pot around heat or sunlight. Instead, place it somewhere cool and dark, and in an airtight container.

To learn more about how to properly store cannabis, have a look at our article on storing cannabis.

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