Photo by IlovegrowingmarijuanaCa

Learn | 04.28.2022

Cannabis Light Burn: How To Prevent & Treat Your Plants

Crop Care 101: What do you do when your crops begin showing signs of cannabis light burn?

We want to answer all of your questions about the dreaded light burn on your cannabis plants. The vital takeaway is identifying that your crop is suffering from light burn in the first couple of days it starts showing symptoms.

But what does that look like? Read below to find out how to identify, prevent, and treat cannabis light burn.

What Is Cannabis Light Burn?

Photo by IlovegrowingmarijuanaCa

You’ll notice something’s wrong with your crops when the leaves sitting directly under a grow light begin to appear yellow. You want to make sure that you’re identifying light burn and not any other issue, so looking at the leaves closest to your grow light is your best bet.

They may even turn a little crisp and start pointing upward, but the veins will remain green. The leaves near your light will most likely be paler and lighter in hue than the leaves farthest from the light source.

Will Cannabis Plants Recover From Light Burn?

The sad thing about light burn is there are no treatments or methods to fully recover your plant back to its healthy and green state. But fear not, you can still make great use of your plants.

Light burn doesn’t necessarily mean that your plants aren’t smokeable; simply remove the leaves that have been damaged and keep the rest. The only thing is, plants harmed by light burn may not be as potent and won’t likely offer your intended aroma and flavor.

How Do You Treat Light Burn On Cannabis Plants?

Photo by Grow Weed Easy

The first thing you want to do is move the plant slightly farther away from its light source. A very bright space doesn’t necessarily mean a healthy space, so perhaps dimming the light or moving it a couple of inches away could be of help.

One positive about light burn is that it takes days to weeks for a plant to begin showing symptoms, so acting quickly is your safest option.

How Long Does It Take Cannabis To Recover From Light Burn?

As we said, there’s no miracle method for 100% recovery from light burn, but picking off the problem areas to replenish the energy disposal throughout the plant will definitely help. Consider changing the environment in which you grow the plant as well. But do so with caution, as abrupt changes could cause shock.

If you want to move your plants outside, give them some needed shade from time to time so they can become accustomed to their new climate. Keeping your plant’s environment at a comfortable temperature will also help prevent other stressors. If your crops are outdoors, consider using a supplement like sea kelp to keep them cool.

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