Learn | 05.27.2024

The Best and Worst Types of Highs

Although every marijuana user’s opinion on weed is almost unanimously positive, all bodies respond to it differently. We’ve rounded up 6 of the most common, best and worst effects that an individual might experience when they light up.

Although every marijuana user’s opinion on weed is almost unanimously positive, all bodies respond to it differently. We’ve rounded up 6 of the most common best and worst effects that an individual might experience when they light up.

The Best

1. Euphoria

Euphoria is probably the most sought after effect of weed—after all, is there anything better than an euphoric high? Not only do you feel like you’re floating on clouds while completely at peace mentally and physically, but for the duration of your high, all your problems seem to disappear from your mind’s eye too.

2. Relaxation

Relaxation is also high up (no pun intended) on the list of marijuana’s amazing side effects. If you’ve just had a long and grueling day, a relaxing high is the best way to unwind. Sore muscles suddenly feel weightless, the day’s stress is momentarily erased, and overall, you just feel so much more chilled out.

3. Creativity

For some individuals, a great high is the best way to get the creative juices flowing. Suddenly, your sensory perceptions are heightened and you’re able to observe your surroundings in a completely different light. The sounds you hear, the lights you see—everything is just that much more vivid. Working on your craft is so much easier when you’ve got a hefty supply of stimulus!

The Worst

1. Paranoia

While a positive high is more common, paranoia can occasionally kick in. Users who aren’t familiar with the physical side effects of marijuana might be prone to panic, anxiety, and even fear—all of which result in a paranoid high. In fact, when your senses are heightened but you’re unable to relax, every little sound or movement might just set you off.

2. Lethargy

Another kind of high that could be potentially annoying is the lethargic high. Rather than floating on clouds, your entire body feels sluggish and you can’t muster up the energy to move around. Needless to say, this is not how you want to be feeling if you’re planning to be productive.

3. Insomnia

Finally, there’s the high that keeps you awake. When you’re experiencing this kind of high, you can’t seem to fall asleep despite how tired your body actually is. While this temporary wakeful state might be desirable if you’re trying to stay up, it can quickly become a hindrance the moment you plan on getting some shut-eye.

There are some of the best and worst effects that an individual might experience from using marijuana. Which kind of high (or combination of highs) do you usually achieve?



Header photo credit: BAKErsville via Flickr

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