Photo by Ron Lach

How To Make Hash At Home: Quick Guide

Need to know how to make hashish in the comfort of home? We got you.

Hash has been around for hundreds of years, and although it may not seem like it, it’s pretty easy to make at home. 

In this guide, we’ll explore the revered techniques that have been honed over centuries, answering your burning questions on the best way to make hash.

We present step-by-step methods to transform your simple buds into some stellar hash.

What Is Hash?

In scientific terms, hashish is considered an extract and is a concentrated form of cannabis. It is usually the resin of the cannabis plant that has been extracted and compacted, 

This resin is made up of trichomes, the glands of marijuana plants that harbor terpenes and cannabinoids, such as THC or CBD. 

Hashish has no solvents and does not rely on chemicals or solvents for its extraction, as is sometimes the case with BHO, shatter, wax, and other concentrates. 

So, basically, hashish is the concentrate of trichome heads, separated/extracted directly from the plant. There are many types, from the most artisanal, such as charas, to the most complex, such as hash rosin, flower rosin, and full melt ice water hash.

A good indicator that your hash is good is the color, which can range from brown, to gold, red, and even white.


DIY Hash: How To Make Bubble Hash


This is a homemade technique that uses utensils that you can find in your home, such as coffee filters. Yes, you read that right. Coffee filters to make bubble hash.


  • Trimmed cannabis
  • Ice water
  • A container
  • A simple strainer
  • A coffee filter
  • An extra large glass bottle

Step by Step:

Step 1: Put your weed in a glass container with water and ice. Shake for approximately 3 minutes.

Step 2: Let the glass bottle sit for 30 minutes and remove the excess plant matter.

Step 3: You should see a small amount of sediment at the bottom of the jar. Then pour about 2/3 of the water into the jar. Be sure to pour it slowly to avoid losing the hash at the bottom.

Step 4: Fill the jar to the top with more ice water and let the mixture sit for another 3 minutes. When the mixture has settled, repeat steps 4 and 5 again before moving on to step 7. This will help separate as much of the plant material as possible from your hash.

Step 5: Drain as much water from your bottle as possible without losing the hash. Next, strain the remaining mixture through the coffee filter and squeeze gently to remove excess water.

Step 6: The resulting cool, wet mass is the hash. Let it dry for at least two days after shaping it into the desired form.

Another technique a little more elaborate is to do it with Bubble Bags, which are a set of bags with different meshes, from thick to thin. 

Making Hash Using Bubble Bags


  • Bubble bags (4-8 bags, between 75-250 microns)
  • Two 5-gallon containers 
  • Something to stir
  • Bag of ice


Step 1: Place the buds, trimmings, and the rest of the weed in a zip-top bag and put it in the freezer overnight to make it easier to break up the trichomes.

Step 2: The next day, prepare the ice and water mixture. Fill a 5-gallon container with a layer of ice, then add frozen weed on top, then add more ice on top of the weed.

Step 3: Next, fill the bucket with enough water to cover the herb and ice. 

Step 4: Let the weed cool in the ice and water mixture for at least 30 minutes to help break up the trichomes. Then help yourself with something long to stir the mixture constantly and facilitate even more breakage.

Step 5: In the second 5-gallon bucket, place the bubble bags in layers: the finer mesh on the bottom and the coarser mesh on top.

Step 6: Pour the mixture of water, herbs, and ice into the topmost bubble bag in the second bucket.

Step 7: Start pulling gently through the first coarser mesh, continue to the finer mesh and gently squeeze each one if necessary to get all the mixture flowing.

Step 8: When you reach the last bag with the finest mesh, spoon the wet hash into a drying sheet.

Step 9: Let the wet hash dry for 3 hours. Give them the desired shape and let them dry for another two days.

Dry Sifting Hash

This is a very popular and easy way to extract hashish. In dry sifting, you must pass the trimmed cannabis through a kind of fine sieve to remove its trichomes.


  • Trimmed cannabis
  • Very fine sieve
  • Parchment paper
  • An old card or cardboard
  • Dry sift made from frozen trim.

Step By Step

Step 1: Place a sheet of parchment paper on a clean surface. The sheet of paper should be slightly larger than your sieve.

Step 2: Place your strainer, which can only be cloth with fine holes, on top of the sheet of parchment paper. Next, place the cannabis in large chunks.

Step 3: With your hands, gently begin to gently move the cannabis through the thin piece of cloth to help separate the trichomes from the plant material. This will start to form a little powder on the parchment paper. 

Step 4: Continue passing the cannabis through this fine sift until you have about a tenth of the material in powder form. 

Step 5: Once you have finished this sifting step, you will need to pick it up and press it. This is where an old card comes into play to form a nice pile on the sheet of parchment paper, pressing it down to form a notepad.

For best results, try freezing the cannabis in a ziplock bag overnight to make it easier to separate the trichomes from the plant material.

Easiest Way To Make Hash: Charas

Probably the oldest and easiest way to make hash, this type of hashish is obtained by accumulating a thin layer of resin in the hands, which can be collected, rolled into a ball, and smoked after manipulating and working with the herb for several hours.

Keep in mind that finger hashish is very strong because it is not refined and contains a lot of plant material. 

As a curious fact, charas is still made this way in India and Nepal, in a way that requires practically no instruments other than your hands and the cannabis plants. 


  • Undried cannabis buds. Do not use trimmed cannabis.
  • Very clean hands 

Step By Step

Step 1: Clean hands

Step 2: Take a cannabis bud in your hand and remove the leaves or stems.

Step 3: Place the bud between your two palms and begin to roll it gently in a circular motion. 

Step 4: You will begin to see a thick resin form on the inside of your hands and fingers. This is essentially hashish – the charas. Scrape this hash onto a clean surface and press it down to create a small block or ball.


20 Minutos España

Rosin, or flower rosin, is very easy to make – here’s the easiest way to make dabbable concentrate at home! 


  • Vegetable paper
  • Cannabis flower
  • Iron 

Step By Step:

Step 1: Separate the flowers into small portions of approximately one centimeter.

Step 2: Cut the parchment paper into small pieces and fold them in half.

Step 3: On a piece of paper, insert a bud and, with the hot iron, press for about five seconds.

Step 4: When you open the paper, you will see golden drops of resin around the crushed bud under pressure. Pick up the resin with tweezers and save it. 

Step 5: Repeat the process with each flower several times.

A Final Note On How Do You Make Hash

There are several methods to make hash right from the comfort of your home. With our guide, you’ll be crafting potent hash in no time.

Remember to start slow when consuming your homemade hash.

A small oversight could lead to a much stronger dose than anticipated, so caution is key.

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