Are There Withdrawal Symptoms If You Stop Smoking Weed?

In spite of all the anti-pot propaganda out there spouting off false information, pot withdrawal symptoms are indeed real for some of us.

Okay pot snobs, it’s time to accept that many people do in fact, experience withdrawal symptoms once they stop smoking weed. No matter how temporary or dull the majority of symptoms may be, or how they might pale in comparison to harsh drugs and prescriptions. In spite of all the anti-pot propaganda out there spouting off false information, pot withdrawal symptoms are indeed real for some of us. It can be hard to hear, but weed does impact each person differently, depending on one’s tolerance level, metabolic function, frequency of use favored strain, preferred method of consumption and a whole host of physiological factors, some people experience mild discomfort that can only be explained by a pot break.

Insomnia, vivid dreams or even nightmares are the most common symptoms experienced by pot users

Cannabis is a well-known sleep aid, but heavy users can become dependent on weed to fall asleep and thusly, wind up with sleeping troubles once they quit. For most, these symptoms usually last about 3-4 days, but heavy smokers can experience them for weeks.

As far as dreams go, weed suppresses REM sleep. REM is a brief period during one’s sleep cycle where the subconscious mind processes the information taken in during the day. REM sleep is characterized by vivid dreams. When someone uses weed to fall asleep, this reduces REM sleep and users report having fewer dreams. But when cannabis withdrawal takes place, users report wild dreams or even nightmares while the brain readjusts to its normal sleep cycle.

When someone uses weed to fall asleep, this reduces REM sleep and users report having fewer dreams. But when cannabis withdrawal takes place, users report wild dreams or even nightmares while the brain readjusts to its normal sleep cycle.

A short list of other withdrawal symptoms frequently experienced are:

  • Night sweats/chills
  • Brain fog
  • Changes in appetite
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Gastrointestinal discomfort
  • General restlessness

People may not believe you, or may blow you off by criticizing your weed supplier, but if you’re one of the many who’ve experienced some of these uncomfortable pot withdrawal symptoms, here are some things you can do to speed up the process:

1. Don’t consume any weed

Sounds obvious, but it can be difficult to lie awake at night because you haven’t blazed. If you really want to detox though, the longer you can go without, the better.

2. Exercise

The higher your metabolism, the quicker your body will eliminate the THC from your system. THC stores itself in the body’s fat cells, so the more fat you burn (and the more you sweat) can help to fend off those pesky symptoms.

3. Drink more water

In the same vein, drinking more water not only helps to flush your system faster, but it also speeds up your metabolism and hydrates body’s muscle mass which all allow for greater fat (THC) burning.

4. Wait it out

As previously mentioned, detoxing from weed is nowhere near as dangerous a process as it can be with alcohol or opiates (which often require medical supervision). Most people can handle weed withdrawal just fine on their own. It could take up to two weeks to start feeling normal again (even though it takes the average person less than one week).

And remember, mild withdrawal symptoms on account of cannabis use shouldn’t make us feel defensive as weed lovers. The more we know about how cannabis is best used, the easier it is to fully inform and educate the world about this glorious plant.

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