Bulat Khamitov / Pexels

Learn | 05.23.2024

Can You Smoke Weed Out Of A Hookah?

Although it can waste your bud, you can definitely smoke weed using a hookah.

Cannabis smokers have long found alternatives to traditional bongs for smoking their buds.

If you’re thinking about taking a break from your bong and/or conveniently have a hookah on hand, you can very well explore a new smoking route.

Let’s dive into how you can use a hookah to smoke weed.

What Is A Hookah?

The Castlebar / Pexels

A hookah, also known as a water pipe, is a traditional smoking device that originated in India and the Middle East.

It’s typically used for smoking flavored tobacco, known as shisha, which is heated under burning coals and then drawn through water in a glass base before being inhaled through a long hose. The water acts as a filter and cools the smoke, providing a smooth, flavorful experience.

The hookah consists of several parts:

Base: Usually made of glass, this holds the water and is the central piece of the apparatus.

Bowl: Located at the top, the bowl holds the shisha or other substances being smoked.

Stem: Connecting the bowl to the base, the stem includes a downstem that submerges slightly into the water, allowing smoke to cool as it passes through.

Hose: This is attached to the stem and draws the smoke from the base. Hookahs can have multiple hoses, making it a communal experience.

Coal Tray: Situated between the bowl and the stem, the tray catches ashes from the coals that heat the substance in the bowl.

Hookah smoking has global popularity – many enjoy its social vibe and unique, artisanal approach to smoking.

Can You Use A Hookah To Smoke Weed?

Yes – you can easily use a hookah to smoke your bud. Much like a bong, hookahs can be used to burn and smoke cannabis.

Pros of using a hookah for weed smoking:

  • The water filtration in the hookah base gives you a less harsh smoke and helps filter out contaminants

  • Hookahs are excellent for group smoking sessions,

Cons of using a hookah to smoke weed:

  • Hookahs can burn through weed quickly since it stays lit between passes – you may waste your stash

  • If you’re combining cannabis with tobacco, you’re exposing yourself to other harmful substances which pose several health risks

  • Hookahs produce a lot of smoke – although helpful for a group session, this can lead to you inhaling a large amount of smoke over the session and irritate your lungs

How To Use A Hookah To Smoke Weed

Viktor Forgacs™️ / Unsplash

Although bongs might be better suited, even for a group session, sometimes curiosity or desperation piques, and we need to use a hookah for a smoke sesh.

If you’re finding yourself reaching for the hookah to smoke your cannabis, here are some simple steps to do so gracefully:

  1. Prepare the Hookah – Make sure your hookah is clean and isn’t built up of residue, which can affect the flavor and purity of your smoke. Fill the base with cold water, enough to submerge the bottom of the downstem by about an inch.

  2. Fill the Bowl – Finely grind your cannabis bud, but avoid a powdery consistency. If you do choose to mix with tobacco, maintain a ratio of about one part cannabis to two parts shisha – this helps burn the cannabis more evenly. Pack the bowl; air should be able to pass through, so avoid overpacking and packing too tightly.

  3. Cover with Foil – Cover the bowl with a piece of aluminum foil and poke small holes in it. The holes let air flow throughout and prevent ash from falling into the base.

  4. Heat the Coals – Use natural coals that don’t contain chemicals that alter the taste of your smoke and pose health risks. Heat the coals, and once they’re glowing red and covered in ash, place them on the foil.

  5. Start Smoking – Allow the hookah a few minutes to heat the cannabis evenly. Begin inhaling slowly. The smoke will first fill the base of the hookah before rising through the hose to your mouth.

Adjust the coals as you need to keep a consistent temperature. Moving the coals around the foil will help prevent your cannabis from burning too quickly.

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