Learn | 05.27.2024

Green Scene: What $20 Weed Looks Like In Cuba

Weed on a beautiful island, who wouldn’t want some? If you are thinking of scoring in Cuba, you might want to think again.

If you find yourself traveling to Cuba for the beautiful scenery and vintage atmosphere, you might feel the need to have some herbal refreshment. But in this country, one way or another, you will face some ridiculous prices.

The beauty of Cuba

Since Obama opened the doors to friendship with the closed off country, more tourists than ever have set their sights on Cuba. If you love vintage cars, fine cigars, or great coffee this is the place to be. But the last thing you want to look for in Cuba is weed.

For decades, the regime in Cuba cracked down on anything considered a “detriment to society”. This included gambling, prostitution, free speech, and drugs. Of course, the harsh penalties meant that people really wanted these things, and kept trying to get them. The result was a culture that delved deep under the radar.

Warnings for tourism

Before the 1930’s, Cuba claimed to be one of the hottest tourist destinations in the world. But for decades, the regime has prevented the influx of tourists. Until 1997, interacting with locals was a crime, and even today, most tourists stay confined to certain areas. In fact, tourism itself remains technically illegal.

The US State department does allow travel there for a number of other reasons. You can go for family travel, government business, journalism, professional research, education, supporting Cuban people, humanitarian aid, and a few other reasons.

Remember these important rules if you go there.

  1. Flashing cash- the average monthly income is $20. Street crime happens. Enough said.
  2. Don’t take pictures of airport personnel, police, or soldiers. Illegal.
  3. Blowing your nose in public is considered extremely rude.
  4. Don’t drink the water. Think intestinal problems, like Mexico.
  5. Don’t use American currency- the exchange gets hit with a special 10% penalty. Take Canadian or European instead.
  6. Forget cards- Many American bank cards won’t be accepted.
  7. Unlicensed taxis can rob you. Worse, it is illegal to use them, and might be a setup.

Weed in Cuba

In 1999, the Cuban Parliament passed a law introducing the death penalty for possessing, producing, and trafficking drugs. It remains a legal punishment today. That’s how dangerous it is to score there. Fair warning.

That being said, if you are in need of weed, try the barter system. You can bring an extra bag for “humanitarian aid” purposes when travelling to the country. Simple items like shampoo, underwear, toys, school supplies, and dollar store items could get you further than cash. Slip some to the right locals, and you can find whatever you want.

$20 in Cuba

The whole effort might just be moot, however. The weed in Cuba, by and large, sucks. Think of the worst brick weed, filled with seeds and stems, tasting like cardboard and hay. That’s the vast majority. And at $20 a gram, what most locals make in a month, it just isn’t worth it.

You definitely don’t want to try and sneak your own into the country. With the trade embargo still technically in place, luggage gets searched regularly. Tourists, especially Americans, find themselves the target of sting operations on a frequent basis. The last thing you want is to end up in a Cuban jail. Police are corrupt, and human rights mean little there.

In the end, the cost of weed in Cuba, between the risks and quality, simply isn’t worth it.

Have you been to Cuba? Did you actually find good weed, or was it worthless? Tell us on social media or in the comments below.

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