Credit: Lacie Slezak

If You Study High, Should You Take The Test High Too?

Smoking weed before exam time - yes or no-go?

We’ve all heard the saying, “If you study high, take the test high.” But is there any truth to it?

Some swear by smoking before an exam to help calm those test-day jitters—especially if they studied high in the first place. But does it really work, or is it just a stoner myth?

Let’s explore if your study buzz should carry over to exam day for the best results, or if it’s better to stay clear-headed.

Cannabis And Test Anxiety

Credit: Keenan Beasley

Using cannabis to ease test anxiety is a common approach, especially among students looking for a way to stay calm during exams.

Cannabis can have both anxiety-reducing and anxiety-inducing effects. For some, a little weed before a big test can help ease the nerves, although this is majorly anecdotal. And just because it takes the edge off doesn’t mean it’ll help you perform your best.

For others, though, getting high before a test can make things even worse, especially if they’re using a strain high in THC.

At lower doses, THC can decrease anxiety, but higher doses often lead to increased anxiety.

CBD, on the other hand, tends to be more consistent than THC at reducing anxiety, although a recent study found that taking CBD (150, 300, or 600 mg) didn’t make a noticeable difference in test anxiety for students during an exam.

Your personal response to cannabis can vary. Things like dose, THC ratio, frequency of use, and pre-existing anxiety levels all influence how cannabis affects you.

But even if it takes away some of those test jitters, the question remains: will it impair your ability to perform well?

Cannabis And Memory

Credit: Siora Photography

The general consensus is that if you’re looking for optimal recall and quick thinking during an exam, using cannabis right before might not be the best choice.

Smoking weed before a test may come at the cost of your mental clarity and ability to recall information.

THC is well-known for impairing short-term memory, and the effects are dose-dependent—the more you consume, the more your memory may be impacted. THC interacts with the brain’s hippocampus, which plays a major role in forming new memories.

This means that taking THC can make it harder to recall recently learned information and can affect your overall performance on a test.

THC can also slow down decision-making and increase the amount of time needed to execute a response. In the context of an exam, you might find yourself staring at that test page, struggling to think clearly or remember anything at all, even if you studied well.

One study even found that regular smokers can have memory impairments for at least seven days after stopping cannabis use due to the lingering effects of THC. The lingering presence of THC can continue to affect cognitive function, making it difficult to retain and recall information.

It’s also important to note that the impact of cannabis on memory can vary greatly depending on the strain, THC content, and individual tolerance. Some people may be more susceptible to memory issues, while others might feel relatively unaffected.

Final Note - Getting High Before Taking A Test

So, should you light up before an exam?

The truth is, there’s no solid research backing the idea that cannabis will help you perform better.

Sure, it might make you feel less anxious, but the tradeoff is that your ability to recall information could take a serious hit. Memory, focus, and quick thinking are key when it comes to exams, and those are exactly the areas that can be compromised when you’re high.

If staying calm is your goal, there are other ways to tackle test anxiety that won’t mess with your memory—deep breathing, mindfulness, or even just a solid study plan. The best way to ace that test is with a clear head.

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