Photo by Marina / Pexels

How To Sneak Weed Into A Concert Or Musical Festival

Weed? I don't know what you're talking about.

Going to a concert or music festival and want to keep the high vibes flowing? We get it.

Most concert or festival venues strictly prohibit the use of any drugs, which, of course, doesn’t stop the creative pursuit many take on to sneak their weed in.

But, how to sneak weed into concert or festival venues can be a challenge, especially if you don’t know the tried-and-true tricks. 

That’s where our guide comes in handy. Whether you’re looking to bring in a vape, some edibles, or just plain bud, we’ve got some tips that could help make your music experience a little greener.

Let’s dive in.

How To Get Weed Into A Festival - The Ol' Underwear Trick

Photo by Agafonova Photo

This might be a little TMI, but this is based on my personal experience. 

Never have I ever been caught sneaking weed into a festival when it’s hidden in my underwear. 

Women may be a bit more inclined to use this tip than men because female underwear has a useful little pocket. 

No one really knows what that pocket was designed to do. I think it’s for sneaking in a joint or other substance for a weekend of festival euphoria. But hey, that’s just the stoner in me. 

Because you’re hiding weed in a rather personal area, check with who you’re sharing it with to see if they’re willing to hit a hoo-ha joint. 

That said, if you successfully use this teenie little pocket, your weed won’t come into contact with your lady parts whatsoever. 

TIP: If you really don’t want your weed touching your between-me-down-there, stuff it in a small ziplock bag before placing it in your underwear pocket. 

Take it from me; this trick works every time.

How To Sneak A Vape Into A Concert

Photo courtesy of Pax

Can you bring vapes into concerts? Only nicotine ones, which is pretty odd considering vapes at music festivals that have weed in them aren’t allowed, even where weed is recreationally legal. 

It’s pretty easy to get away with bringing a disposable vape pen into festivals, especially one that resembles a nicotine vape. 

This gets a little tricky when we add vape cartridges into the equation. 

It’s hard to fool security because cannabis carts are so distinct with dark yellow liquid. This is why disposables are a great option for sneaking weed into festivals. 

Use A Tampon Box

An empty tampon box is an effective stash spot for your vape because security usually won’t search through them. Simply remove a tampon from its packaging, place your vape inside, and then reseal the package using clear tape for a discreet look.

Attach To Phone Case

Look for a phone case with built-in compartments, perfect for sliding in a slim vape.

Do Vapes Go Off In Metal Detectors At Concerts

Most vapes contain metal components such as coils, batteries, and casings, which can definitely set off metal detectors.

The sensitivity of the metal detector is crucial. Some detectors aren’t set to high sensitivity, allowing smaller metal objects like vape coils to pass through more easily.

If you’re planning to bring a vape to an event, opt for one with minimal metal components. You can usually find details about the materials used in your vape on the manufacturer’s website. This might help you choose a model that’s less likely to trigger alarms.

Sneaking Edibles Into Concert Venues

Photo by Vilnis Husko

Do you have low blood sugar?

Yes, the answer is always yes, especially if you choose to bring some sweet snacks to help regulate your blood sugar levels.

But what if those snacks were edibles?

We hate to encourage lying, but it’s necessary if you want to sneak some potent edibles into the festival grounds.

When sneaking edibles into the festival, make sure to discard all prior packaging and use a baggy or tinfoil of your own.

Getting past security shouldn’t be too hard, but if they question you, tell them you have low blood sugar and require sugary snacks on you at all times.

Other Tips

Feel free to get creative with your weed sneaking abilities. This could include the following;

  • Hiding weed inside a nicotine vape
  • Stuffing a joint into a deodorant lid
  • Creating a DIY secret pocket in a bag
  • Holding it in your hands

Referencing that last tip: One time, I snuck in a joint by holding it between my hand and my phone. No one asked to see my phone or hands or even batted an eye. It’s just a little risky, but who doesn’t love a thrill?

Whichever method you choose to use, good luck!

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