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Can Weed Make You See Dead People?

Día de los Muertos is here, and it's time to ask if weed helps sharpen your sixth sense.

Happy day of the dead! Día de los Muertos is in full-swing. November 2nd is a Latin American custom combined with an indigenous Aztec ritual with Catholicism. Assuming that the dead would be offended by mourning, wailing, and sadness, Día de los Muertos celebrates the lives that once lived with parties, activities, food, drinks, and more.

According to National Geographic, the day of the day looks at death as a natural human experience and cycle of birth, childhood, and growing up to become an active and contributing community member. It doesn’t stop here because Día de los Muertos reminds you that the dead were once a part of the community and are now awakened from their everlasting slumber to celebrate their once-lived lives with loved ones.

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Now that we’re celebrating the day of the dead today, it’s time to puff away or scarf down an edible to enhance your experience. What do we mean by enhancing, you might ask? We’re all aware that weed can amplify any experience by stimulating your mind and allowing you to take note of more minor details that would typically slip by when sober. On a day like today, these “details” might be the awakening of your sixth sense or affinity with the spiritual realm.

Many can attest to feeling paranoid when smoking weed or eating an edible. Experts suggest that our endocannabinoid system plays a role in why cannabis makes us feel paranoid. When indulging in cannabis, specifically products containing THC, these compounds bind to our endocannabinoid receptors in the brain found in the amygdala. Our amygdalas help regulate our responses to fear, emotions, stress, and paranoia; it’s also in charge of our fight or flight response.

Photo by Hector Vivas/Getty Images

Therefore, when using products high in THC, our brains quickly receive more cannabinoids than it’s used to, which can overstimulate the amygdala and heighten sensations of fear, anxiety, and paranoia. Interestingly, the same experience is often noted from mediums, psychics, or those with a metaphysical connection to spirits beyond our vision.

There’s still a lack of research on how we can sharpen our minds to communicate with spirits, simply because this might be something that the media doesn’t want us to understand, as it could popularly be seen as taboo.

Photo by Audley

We’re here to tell you that spiritual communication is far from strange, especially when high. Cannabis lifts the veil between our world and the unseen. If any of the following has happened to you, we want to remind you that it wasn’t just paranoia; instead, there might have been something or someone trying to get your attention.

These instances include seeing shadows, noticing movement in the corner of your eye, misplaced objects, hearing strange noises, feeling watched, encountering all-too-real coincidences, and most importantly, feeling chilled when entering a room.

Photo by Pexels

We’re not saying that you’re crazy; in fact, quite the opposite, you’re fortunate to have a connection with the spiritual world. Make sure to take note of what’s happening when these instances occur because your guides might be screaming at you to pay attention and examine if what you’re doing is beneficial.

We also want to note that hallucinations could be a sign of an ongoing mental illness, so speak with your doctor or healthcare provider if hallucinations continue to affect your day-to-day.

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