Solen Feyissa / Unsplash

Learn | 07.09.2024

How To Promote Cannabis On TikTok

Mastering TikTok's cannabis code.

TikTok might not be the Wild West, but when it comes to promoting cannabis, it’s close enough.

To thrive, you’ll need to be clever, creative, and cautious—navigating the platform’s strict rules while keeping your content fresh and engaging.

Here’s how to promote your cannabis brand on TikTok without crossing any lines.

Understand Platform Rules

Ron Lach / Pexels

TikTok prohibits the trade, sale, promotion, and use of substances like cannabis.

The guidelines are somewhat ambiguous, stating that content may be removed if it pertains to regulated or illegal substances. Violating these rules could result in restrictions on certain TikTok features, such as live streaming, and in the worst-case scenario, could lead to your account being removed altogether.

Creative Workarounds


Navigating TikTok’s cannabis restrictions requires creativity. Instead of explicit mentions, lean into emojis, clever wordplay, and strategic hashtags to subtly hint at the green scene.

Here’s how you can discreetly refer to cannabis:

  • Mary J
  • The Devil’s Lettuce
  • Ganj
  • Herb
  • Gr33n
  • Bl@ze
  • D@nk
  • P0t
  • Kush
  • H!gh
  • Sm0ke
  • D@bs
  • T0ke

Focus On Brand Vibe

The ambiance you create around your brand matters. Think of your brand as a lifestyle—whether it’s laid-back, adventurous, luxurious, or quirky, each trait tells a part of your story.

Focus on elements that resonate with your audience’s lifestyle preferences. Highlight the culture, the community, and the overall vibe your products inspire.

By doing so, you invite your audience to experience the essence of your brand without directly showcasing the products themselves.

Ride The Viral Wave

Catching the TikTok wave can help you with brand reach. Tap into current trends and try leaning on humor to make your content relatable and shareable.

Stay in the know with trending challenges, songs, and visual effects. Using storytelling can help engage more viewers — try narrating an amusing experience around your brand or cannabis product. Keep it light and entertaining.

Keep It Real

TikTok users crave genuine content. And they’re pretty good at sniffing out anything fake.

A natural tone of voice and a down-to-earth approach often engage more effectively, as they present your brand as relatable rather than over-hyped. Emphasize real interactions by sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses and introducing your team.

Simplicity also resonates—straightforward, unfiltered content often engages more effectively than high-production pieces.

Use Relevant Hashtags


Hashtags help incredibly with wider visibility on TikTok. They sort your videos into the community’s collective stream, making your content more easily discoverable on users’ FYP.

Here’s a list of potential hashtags that vibe with the cannabis culture:

  • #high
  • #rollingtray
  • #rollingloud
  • #canna
  • #greencross
  • #followme4more
  • #fyp
  • #rolling
  • #vibe
  • #mood
  • #hitsblunt
  • #ouid
  • #w33d
  • #st0nertikt0k
  • #st0netok

Avoid Specific Effect Claims

Be cautious with your words—specific claims about cannabis effects can draw unwanted attention.

Stick to general terms like “may help” or “might enhance” to keep things compliant and avoid regulatory issues. Less is definitely more here.

A Final Note On Promoting Weed On TikTok

Dancing through TikTok’s tight ropes requires creativity and caution.

Remember, the secret sauce to thriving here isn’t just about showing the green—it’s about suggesting it. Embrace emojis, lean on lifestyle, and always keep it clever without crossing the line.

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