Photo by Christopher Campbell

Does Marijuana Speed Up Metabolism?

Unlocking the relationship between marijuana and metabolism.

Summer is almost here, and if you’re looking to whip yourself into shape before bathing suit season, maybe some good ol’ marijuana might get you there.

Ten years ago, if we told you that cannabis could potentially be used for weight loss, you definitely wouldn’t believe that. But, as the industry grows, so does research and science-backed information on the plant. 


Marijuana Use & Weight Loss

Photo by Huha Inc

It wasn’t long ago that cannabis users were unjustly categorized as “lazy and ambitionless stoners” who spend their days couch-locked with crumbs of munchies sitting on their chest.

Some conservative thinkers might even believe this is still true today. However, science has proven that cannabis compounds and cannabinoids could directly impact our metabolic rate. 

A study published in the journal National Library of Medicine states that “Smoked marijuana caused an increase in metabolic rate that also peaked after 15 min.” So the short answer is yes, cannabis can kickstart your metabolism and offer other factors that fall in line with weight loss.

Marijuana's Benefits For Weight Loss

Photo by Elsa Olofsson

There’s a reason why medical cannabis exists. And while some blends offer higher concentrations of CBD than its psychoactive cousin, THC, you can trust that cannabis, in general, is a great tool to relieve pain and stiffness. Because of this, marijuana can promote increased movement and mobility, letting your body prepare for a strenuous workout.

It’s a given that cannabis and related products are ideal for combating stress. And this might help individuals who tend to stress-eat. So maybe turning to marijuana instead of a late-night snack might help calm down without the extra calories. This brings us to our third point; cannabis also promotes quality sleep. 

According to Healthline, poor sleep can be a top factor as to why individuals gain weight. Starting with the essentials, like making sure you’re getting your 8 hours in (with help from a bedtime toke), is a must if you want to shed a few extra pounds. 

Lastly, a 2018 study published in the journal Cannabis and Cannabis Research explains the plant directly interacts with the cannabinoid receptor 1 in our brains. This receptor regulates metabolism and lets us know when our tummies are hungry. 

The study found that frequent cannabis users showed a faster metabolism while reducing energy storage. So before you give up marijuana to live a “healthy” lifestyle, consider the information above. 

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