Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

The Difference Between Joints, Blunts And Spliffs

Everything there is to know on the difference.

Joints, blunts, and spliffs all have different bodily and cerebral effects when you smoke them, but what makes these things different from each other, anyway?

Essentially, if a joint is the classic way to consume cannabis, then blunts are the cigars, and spliffs add a little tobacco to a classic joint.

One of the most obvious differences between a joint and a blunt is that a blunt is marijuana wrapped in a tobacco leaf, similar to how a cigar would be, while a spliff is packed with a mixture of cannabis and tobacco.

In case you need a bit more of a breakdown, see the three subjects and their explanations below.

What Is A Joint?

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch

A joint is perhaps the most common way to consume cannabis. It’s also the OG traditional way to smoke up. A joint consists of two (or three) components, depending on how you prefer to roll up and smoke.

A joint is ground cannabis flower that’s wrapped tightly into a rolling paper. Rolling papers are often thin and flexible, made from safe ingredients like hemp or rice paper. The third component inside a joint is a filter; some prefer to use one, and some don’t.

The result is a cone-shaped cannabis cigarette that’s most often referred to as a joint.

What Is A Blunt?

For those who prefer a little nicotine-induced head rush with each hit, that’s where blunts come in handy.

Blunts are another incredibly common consumption method, but instead of rolling ground cannabis flower into a rolling paper, it’s rolled into a tobacco leaf.

You often don’t see a filter inside a blunt; that’s just the etiquette with this chosen consumption method. Blunts need a little more TLC when being rolled, as the tobacco leaf can easily go dry and crack.

That’s why you’ve seen people breathing and practically drooling on their blunt during the rolling process; it may look a little nasty, but it’s essential for a smooth roll.

The Best Blunt Wraps

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It all starts with the wrap if you want to take your blunts to the next level.

The secret? Go for the Leaf Wraps from Al Capone.

Made from 100% natural tobacco leaf, these wraps have a fine, silky texture that burns smoothly, elevating your smoke with a slightly sweet aroma. For a flavor twist, choose from:

  • Original for a natural taste
  • Cognac for rich, malty notes
  • Rum for a fruity, mellow vibe

Each leaf is sealed for freshness, soft and flexible for easy rolling, and comes with a natural self-adhesive strip for a flawless finish.

What Is A Spliff?

Photo by Cottonbro

Finally, if you’re not too skilled at manipulating tobacco leaves and rolling them into a blunt, you may want to consider a spliff.

Filterless or not, a spliff is exactly the same as a joint but contains a mixture of ground cannabis and ground tobacco.

These are often rolled with half ground cannabis and half tobacco from a cigarette; the result is a cone-shaped joint that contains tobacco, making it a spliff. Of course, feel free to pack it with your preferred ratio of tobacco to cannabis.

The Differences Between Rolling A Joint vs Blunt vs Spliff

In the joint vs. blunt vs. spliff debate, it’s all about what you’re using to roll.

Rolling A Joint

Photo by RODANE / Pexels

Depending on how big you want to go, a joint can usually fit anywhere between a quarter of a gram and even up to an eighth of an ounce if you’re truly ambitious. The joint is often rolled with a single paper, which often comes in long and short varieties.

These papers are referred to as “rolling papers,” and they’re often made out of hemp, flax, rice, or other non-wood substances like sisal and esparto.

Everyone has their own preference when it comes to papers, but going organic is always a good choice for those who aren’t fond of inhaling paper smoke.

Whatever brand you choose, regular rolling papers have one purpose: to burn, pulling well enough for the marijuana inside to be smoked without interruption. It tends to be about 3 inches long and translucent.

You can buy paper out of rice or hemp. Some high-end cultivators will even sell their bud with rolling papers that have precut filters, so you don’t have to make one. Two of the most popular go-to brands for joint papers are still RAW 402 and Zig-Zag.

The true test of a good joint is how well it burns. You want to make sure that it burns evenly around; otherwise, you end up with a “canoe” where one side of the joint burns while a thin strip of paper remains on the other.

If you haven’t quite learned how to roll, you can pick up very inexpensive joint rollers in any headshop and in most dispensaries. For those who find rolling challenging, there are also “cones,” which are partially constructed joints that you fill with flower. To finish off the joint, you just have to twist the opening at the end.

Rolling A Blunt

Blunt papers are thicker, heftier, and have more character. They also typically add their own hints of flavor. There are a lot of cheap convenience store cigars and cigarillos out in the world that isn’t being smoked as intended.

“Swisher Sweets,” says the mock-spokesman. “There’s just something about ’em.” Empty out one of those cigars, refill it with marijuana, and you have yourself a blunt. But salvaging a tobacco product isn’t the only way to roll a blunt these days.

Many head shops around the world will have wraps designed explicitly for blunts, including different textures and flavors for your preferred experience. Dutch Masters is a great option. Their wraps come in flavors like honey and green leaf.

Rolling A Spliff

If you’re wondering what to do with that leftover tobacco you just unwrapped, you could use it to roll a spliff.

Spliffs mean different things in different regions. If you’re Jamaica, a spliff is the same as a joint. But, in the United States and Europe, a spliff is a combination of marijuana and tobacco.

In Europe, it’s more uncommon to smoke cannabis alone. In the United States, smoking joints are a bit more common among weed smokers.

Regardless, rolling a spliff is the exact same as rolling a joint, but instead of just filling the paper with ground cannabis, you’re also packing tobacco from a cigarette.

The Differences Between Smoking A Joint Vs. Blunt Vs. Spliff

Joints are arguably the most classic way to light up. If you’re averse to tobacco, they’re the way to go.

Also, if you’re enthusiastic about trying weed strains (learn more on our post about what is Sativa) or tasting your high-quality flower, then joints will allow you to do that without the flavored paper getting in the way.

Some people find joints easier to roll too. The papers often come ready in an easy-to-store package, and if you mess up, they’re sold in bulk, so you’ll always have more.

If you’re rolling a blunt by dumping out a cigar and then refilling it, it definitely takes more time and space than a joint. Plus, when the joint is rolled and ready, it’s more compact and easier to store.

When you’re smoking a blunt, you’re not only smoking marijuana, but you’re also smoking tobacco. That means you’re getting the effects of the tobacco and the marijuana combined, even if they’re subtle.

This doesn’t make you more “high,” but it can feel that way. When comparing blunts vs. joints, some swear by the added jolt of energy from the tobacco in a blunt.

But let’s be clear: tobacco isn’t the only reason to smoke blunts vs. joints. ‘Batching’ can happen with all kinds of smoking methods. You can batch a joint, turning it into a spliff. If you enjoy tobacco, one of the nice things about spliffs is that they cut down the smell of the marijuana.

Not a whole lot, but the strong tobacco scent does add a layer of discretion to your smoking habit. The high from a spliff is also milder. Though it’s entirely up to you how much weed vs. how much tobacco you put in, the tobacco softens the marijuana smoking experience.

You’ll be left feeling calm but more functional than you would if you had smoked a pure cannabis joint.

When you pack some marijuana into a paper with tobacco and smoke it through a bong, you are performing a ‘popper,’ a Southern Ontario favorite.

It is pretty common to batch blunts as well, but they aren’t a requirement. With or without tobacco mixed in, if it’s wrapped in a tobacco leaf, you are smoking a blunt.

Most people enjoy blunts because of the smoking experience rather than the high itself. For many, it’s about the taste. You can experiment with how different strains mix with different flavored tobacco papers. Or, if you’re smoking some schwag, the tobacco paper can help cover the taste of your bud altogether.

Cigar wraps are still made with tobacco, however. So, if you’re against nicotine, a blunt is probably not the best choice for you. Because they’re mostly cannabis, you’ll feel a significant marijuana high. But, you’ll also still get quite a bit of the mellow head-rush effects that you would with a spliff since you’re still smoking a tobacco leaf.

One of the main benefits of blunts is that tobacco leaves are commonly larger and tougher, so they tend to hold more marijuana. The average joint might hold a gram of weed, whereas a blunt can pack two to three grams. Some people like their blunts thin like a straw, while other people pack them real thick like the width of a cigar.

They also tend to burn slower than joints. This means a blunt can make a few more rounds around the circle, or you can Bogart the whole damn thing like a king at the table.

Joints, blunts, and spliffs all have their share of advantages and disadvantages. When deciding which one you’d like the best, it’s important to know that you’re going to feel different sensations with each one of them.

These experiences range from a complete psychoactive experience with a strictly-marijuana joint to a calm yet blissed-out experience of smoking a blunt.

Which Gets You The Highest, Joint, Blunt, Or Spliff?

Photo by Los Muertos Crew

It’s challenging to break down which roll gets you higher since they all offer different experiences. Furthermore, it mostly depends on the quality and quantity of the weed you’re smoking.

That said, read these brief explanations for a rundown on the experiences provided by each roll and which one sounds right for you.

The Joint Experience

As we mentioned, joints are as classic as it gets.

The quality or material of the rolling paper you choose will not affect how high you get but how fast the joint will burn.

A slower burning joint means more hits, which means more room to get higher. Thus, choose rolling papers that are thin or ultra-thin to ensure the joint burns slowly and you’re getting as high as possible.

The Blunt Experience

Again, the type of tobacco leaf chosen will not affect how high you get.

Most tobacco leaves burn at similar, slow rates. So, when a blunt is rolled tightly and properly, how high you get solely depends on the quality and quantity of your weed.

Mind you, blunts do provide a head rush with each hit, so it may feel like you’re higher in the moment, but that head rush only lasts seconds to minutes.

The Spliff Experience

If you’re looking to mix the two above consumption methods, a spliff is your go-to.

Again, the choice of rolling paper and tobacco will not impact how high you’ll get. This simply depends on how strong your weed is and how much you’re rolling.

Like joints, you want to look for thin or ultra-thin rolling papers to ensure it’s a slow burn. Finally, spliffs also provide a head rush with each hit that might seem like you’re higher, but that sensation fades within minutes.

Spliffs may get you less than a regular joint or blunt since they contain a mix of tobacco and weed. So, if you’re looking to get as high as possible, try rolling your spliff with a 75:25 ratio of cannabis to tobacco.

Photo by Cottonbro

A New Way To Smoke Like A Boss

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If you want to try a new way of smoking and feel like a real boss, we recommend you try a cannagar. A canna-what? You might be wondering, well, here we tell you all about it.

For regular cannabis users, it may seem like they already know everything about the wide world of weed, but there will always be something new to learn and innovative products to discover.

A cannagar is basically a king-sized blunt, but instead of using tobacco leaves, you use a weed leaf or hemp shell. Your weed rolled into more weed. It sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

Purple Rose Supply is a pioneer company in cannagars, they are convinced that we should all indulge ourselves and that the best way to do it is with a cigar rolled entirely with cannabis, and we completely agree with them.

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