Photo courtesy of Puffco

Puffco Peak Review: What We Love About This Rig

Puffco revolutionized the cannabis world with this device. Here's you'll love it.

For the heady highs and clean, pure herbal flavors, cannabis connoisseurs are increasingly opting for dabs over flower. Concentrates annihilate unwanted material like resin, which is commonly ingested while burning plant matter, rolling papers, or blunt wraps, leaving you with the clearest expression of the plant it was derived from. 

However, the blowtorching process involved with dabbing is a big turnoff for many people.

That’s why Puffco created one of the best electronic dab rigs in the cannabis world, one that could take dabbing into the mainstream. It might be a bit expensive, but definitely worth it once you have your first hit.

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​About The Puffco Peak Vaporizer

Photo courtesy of Puffco

Puffco created the Peak, what is now the most intelligent rig in the world. Regardless if you’re a first-time dabber, or you’re already a dabbing veteran, the Puffco Peak is bringing everyone a more enjoyable and convenient dabbing experience in more ways than one.

When you acquire a Puffco Peak Vaporizer you’re getting an amazing device, plus top of the line accessories, like:

  • Micro USB Cable 
  • Supercharger
  • Carrying Case
  • Extra Ceramic Bowl
  • Loading Tool
  • Carb Cap

​Features & Design

Photo courtesy of Puffco

The Peak itself consists of hand-blown glass and was both designed & engineered in-house in Brooklyn, NY.  To perfect its design it took a year of molding, designing, revising, and creating the software to formulate the smartest rig on the plant.

In addition to making your dabbing experience faster and easier through innovative technology, the Peak unleashes the true power of concentrates by delivering the purest flavors, the highest potency, and the full effects of cannabis. For a dab rig, $249.99 seems a little steep but considering it was $379.99 before, a huge success. 

The Peak has an outstanding battery life, too. On a full charge, you can get about 30 dabs in. And once it’s fresh out of juice, all it takes is around two hours to bring it back to life when you use the supercharger, which is included in its box.

The Peak by Puffco is completely electronic, meaning that you’ll never have to go through the trouble of traveling with a blowtorch on airplanes. When it comes to traveling, the Puffco Peak couldn’t be more perfect. All you need to dab on the go is the device itself and your concentrates. No extras.

And unlike most dabbing devices, the Puffco Peak is discreet, compact, and convenient enough to take with you wherever you go.


Whether you’re looking to achieve substantial cloudage or maximum flavor, the Puffco Peak even provides four unique user heat settings. That way, you can customize your experience based on your personal preference and the size of your dabs. 

Sesh-mode, for example, extends your session, making it perfect for socializing and medicating at the same time.

Thanks to its intelligent temperature calibration feature, it can maintain the same consistent temperature throughout the entire session. That means you and your buddies can pass around the rig and all share the same experience each time.

​How To Use The Puffco Peak

Photo courtesy of Puffco

Preparing to dab can be a timely process. Before you can medicate, you have to whip out a torch and add significant heat to your rig for at least three minutes.

With the Peak there’s no need for a blowtorch! But I think you already know that and that’s what kept you reading.  

Just load your waxes, oils, or concentrates cold and press the button. In twenty seconds, the world’s smartest rig will heat up to the proper temperature for dabbing. And with gentle light pulses and vibrations, the device will let you know once it’s ready to be used.

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How To Clean The Puffco Peak

Cleaning this rig is quite easy, the basic product you’ll be using is a stoner’s cleaning supply, isopropyl alcohol. You can disassemble some parts, and it is not recommended to try your luck going deeper, and cleaning them is easy.

In reality, Puffco recommends soaking the entire atomizer.


  • Amazing design and accessories.
  • Comes with a durable, discreet, and stylish case that is good for travel and keeping it safe.
  • Easy and comfortable to use.
  • No torch needed! The completely electronic vaporizer heats your extracts within seconds.
  • Travel friendly: te case protects this carefully crafted device perfectly. 


  • Cannot be used discreetly, this bad boy will definitely draw attention.
  • Temperature cannot be fully adjusted, there are good presets though.
  • Quite pricey, but makes up with design and performance.

Puffco Peak Pro: How Do They Compare?

The Puffco Peak Pro is the update to the Peak, and it is an impressive challenge to outdo their previous product. Guess what? They did, and they did so by listening closely and implementing some changes and updates to make the Peak Pro a force of nature. 

When it comes down to looks and the design they are sticking to a very similar if not nearly identical look. It is now a piece that caries memory and identity, packed with amazing features that will take the Peak experience to another level.

This electronic vaporizer connects to your phone to provide precise information and customize your device as you see fit. You can adjust the temperature beyond the original four presets, but only through your phone’s app. You can also select an array of colors, the vaporizer has RGB LED lights that will be the center of attention at your gettogether.

The best and most needed update is the capacity to adjust the temperature completely, and through your app, you can precisely adjust to the degree.

This device also has wireless charging, and they sell an accessory power base that will charge you up so you can make that session run a little longer. 


The Puffco Peak is convenient and delivers quality flavor in seconds!

The Puffco Peak and Peak Pro are devices that are well designed and constructed, so you will have a device that performs very well and does so without the need of having a blowtorch. I also find that this device is premium, wherever you may look at it. 

The wide range of temperature settings and adjustability will give the Puffco Peak a great edge over traditional vaping or dabbing. But honestly, the device speaks for itself, you have a completely electronic vaporizer that can withstand your use and abuse, and provides consistent, clean smoke sessions.

The biggest downside many can see in the Puffco Peak is the price, but we do have to understand that with a product of this quality and level of performance, you are paying top dollar for your device.

Aside from that, this device is clean, looks amazing, and does its job perfectly.

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